EnergizedProtection / block

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Unblock mstdn.io, nextdns.io #972

Closed teakoder closed 1 year ago

teakoder commented 1 year ago


Type x in between [ ] and make sure there isn't any space between brackets. Example; for Your Selected Issue(s), type like this - [x] You can select more than one category of issues if you need to!


Write the name of the pack(s) you are using.


Also name the extension(s) if you are using any. If you don't then leave it blank.


If you are submitting this issue for whitelist/blacklist issue, send us the domain(s) for whitelisting/blacklisting here. Kindly use the Code Tag to prevent tracking.



Your Config:

Just to ensure there is no issues or conflicts with other app/software/magisk module/extension/source list. Make sure you are running Energized Protection Service only.


Write us a lil bit more about your issue or query. You can attach any screen shot or log of the issue or advert, this will help to highlight it.

correabuscar commented 1 year ago

Why not *.nextdns.io ? At least this one needs to be added also: link-ip.nextdns.io

teakoder commented 1 year ago

@correabuscar I think it's good to be accurate when reporting issue. Trying to make the project's maintainers life easier. As for link-ip.nextdns.io, I didn't see this domain in my logs. I only report those domains that I see in my logs.

correabuscar commented 1 year ago

@teakoder makes sense, thank you for reporting.

There are a bunch of random-looking *.test.nextdns.io that I'm seeing in uMatrix with Firefox, when visiting my.nextdns.io too. Who knows what others. I doubt blocking any subdomain under nextdns.io was a good idea anyway, but maybe I'm wrong. (EDIT: I wondered which of the sources did it but since it's already fixed, it might be tough to track down)

You can see link-ip.nextdns.io in the first tab called Setup, on the right under Linked IP where it says:

If you are unable to set up NextDNS using our apps, DNS-over-TLS, DNS-over-HTTPS or IPv6, then use the DNS servers below and link your IP. This is mostly for use on home networks and not recommended on mobile.`

then expand the Show advanced options from below, where it says: You can also programmatically update your linked IP by calling:, there you can see that hostname link-ip.nextdns.io mentioned.

EDIT2: unrelated, the whitelist is a lil bit suspicious, the last two entries, clearly not meant to be pointing at the real google:

correabuscar commented 1 year ago

*.io is all blocked, this might not be Energized Ultimate's fault, maybe? more investigation is needed

teakoder commented 1 year ago

There are a bunch of random-looking *.test.nextdns.io that I'm seeing in uMatrix with Firefox, when visiting my.nextdns.io too.

I see. I'm not using uMatrix. I'm seeing the blocked domains in NextDNS's "Logs". Thanks for the tips anyway. Would be useful in uBO.

You can see link-ip.nextdns.io in the first tab called Setup, on the right under Linked IP where it says:

Right. I'm aware of that. My NextDNS setup is using DoH currently.

EDIT2: unrelated, the whitelist is a lil bit suspicious, the last two entries, clearly not meant to be pointing at the real google:

I agree. The strings looks corrupted or the encoding is messed up. I'm not too sure.

*.io is all blocked, this might not be Energized Ultimate's fault, maybe? more investigation is needed

Few hours earlier, upon carrying out a further investigation on my side, I noticed even more domains that were working previously but were blocked now. For examples:


Since you brought up about the *.io is all blocked, now I'm thinking the blast radius is wider than I thought now. I don't know and cannot conclude whether this might be Energized Ultimate's fault.

Edit 1: all *.rs domains are blocked.

teakoder commented 1 year ago

Semi-related issue: #973