EnergizedProtection / block

Let's make an annoyance free, better open internet, altogether!
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What's going on? #980

Open jacklollz2 opened 1 year ago

jacklollz2 commented 1 year ago

Numerous problems with all Energized lists. Youtube, Parsec, Guilded, etc. all down. Did you guys pull the plug?

Lichtenshtein commented 1 year ago

Some of critical domains newly blocked by Energized Regional Extension list:

www.google.com www.youtube.com feeds.feedburner.com avatars.githubusercontent.com www.gstatic.com connectivitycheck.gstatic.com

antplus commented 1 year ago

Clearly given up, blocking common domains and even NextDNS. Removed the Energized lists for now, will revisit this thread in the future to see if it's sorted.

jarekt commented 1 year ago

steamcommunity.com also down, why?

nightznero commented 1 year ago

Imagine u block google github yt fb from one list that is not about extreme privacy xDDD idk how bad Energized.Pro lists going worse and worse by time. Never seen more problematic list like Energized

Wizardling commented 1 year ago

I'm out. This is now unusable for me. Who but the most extreme privacy zealots will put up with so many useful sites being outright blocked? Urrgh.

itsdoublearon commented 1 year ago

This has gotten absolutely ridiculous now. Way too aggressive in blocking now. Not enabling this list anymore.

nightznero commented 1 year ago

Like 3h ago everything has been fixed and right now again. Or start looking what lists are u adding or u have rat in repository cause idk how have u fixed it for period of time and again fvcked up list

luxzg commented 1 year ago

More than a day, on and off, my main concerns have been (and again are) google.com and nextdns.io. I couldn't search, I couldn't check logs. Had to disable Private DNS to go to NextDNS, to see that Energized is acting up and disable it. I'm subscribing to this issue just in case, but My Energized Basic + Regional is gone until there's been a week without issues.

vladmiller commented 1 year ago

Yeah, it blocked linkedin, google domains, even nextdns.io... crazy. Unsubscribed as well.

RouterCFW commented 1 year ago

Facebook.com is now blocked as well

file3p1rat commented 1 year ago

reddit is blocked in ultimate

S7venLights commented 1 year ago

Adding to the list of things blocked in the past 2 hours in Energized basic: netflix.com assets.pinterest.com LinkedIn

RouterCFW commented 1 year ago

Yeah just ditch Energized it’s an abandoned list

Taubin commented 1 year ago

Does anyone have any alternatives? This is unacceptable.

asdfzxcvbn commented 1 year ago

well right now i'm using a huge amount of lists, but some good ones are oisd, 1hosts, notracking, and lightswitch05's ads and tracking.

xt40 commented 1 year ago

blocked reddit. based?

S7venLights commented 1 year ago

Yeah just ditch Energized it’s an abandoned list

It can't be abandoned, it was updated an 3 hours ago, must be a mistake.

nightznero commented 1 year ago

OISD GoodbyeAds(include lightswitch05) and 1Hosts that has been included in Energized.Pro, it was main reason why i was usuing it but guess its time to switch from Energized just to clear 1Hosts

rydhoms commented 1 year ago

I'll have to remove all energized lists for now until there is more information on this issue, really can't do anything important with many important domains website and domain app service blacklisted.

RouterCFW commented 1 year ago

Yeah just ditch Energized it’s an abandoned list

It can't be abandoned, it was updated an 3 hours ago, must be a mistake.

It’s a bot that update it

luxzg commented 1 year ago

Does anyone have any alternatives? This is unacceptable.

This is my current statistics from NextDNS.io :

List / Number of queries blocked
Energized Basic 55,744
Goodbye Ads 41,772
1Hosts (Lite) 35,840
Lightswitch05 - Ads & Tracking 21,370
oisd 20,812
AdGuard DNS filter 20,656

Obviously Energized is gone now :p 5 others are all well know and much loved. I haven't had issues in past several months since I added some extras. Well, until Energized went bananas. Only thing that may annoy some people is Goodbye Ads blocking sponsored links, so eg top Google sponsored results / links won't work, but those are ads... May be useful... So gray area. Discard that list if annoyed by that. Rest are safe for general population, including any social apps, websites, and such

yegors commented 1 year ago

As of ~6hrs ago, the "ultimate" list has no domains in it.

mad-it commented 1 year ago

This started a few days ago... please have a look at https://github.com/EnergizedProtection/block/issues/973 🙈

ghost commented 1 year ago

https://github.com/nextdns/metadata/issues/1145 https://github.com/EnergizedProtection/block/issues/971 https://github.com/EnergizedProtection/block/issues/972 https://github.com/EnergizedProtection/block/issues/973 https://github.com/EnergizedProtection/block/issues/974 https://github.com/EnergizedProtection/block/issues/975 https://github.com/EnergizedProtection/block/issues/976 https://help.nextdns.io/t/m1hs207/energized-ultimate-lists-blocking-nextdns https://help.nextdns.io/t/q6hs204/nextdns-io-addresses-added-to-a-blocklist-internet-goes-down https://github.com/EnergizedProtection/block/issues/977 https://help.nextdns.io/t/83hsb6l/energized-ultimate-have-0-entries yes

ghost commented 1 year ago

https://github.com/yokoffing/NextDNS-Config/issues/10 https://github.com/nextdns/metadata/pull/1148 Not using Energized anymore

Garbg commented 1 year ago

Blocklist is empty on AGH and site is empty and every link on energized.pro leads to 404

asdfzxcvbn commented 1 year ago

it looks like their homepage and README are back, maybe the maintainers realized?

Garbg commented 1 year ago

Either they got hacked, or they merged pull requests without reviewing them

yegors commented 1 year ago

All lists are blank now. Well, it was a good run boys. Time to abandon ship. I recommend OISD list and shilling for my own DNS service: https://controld.com (our lists are bespoke).

Taubin commented 1 year ago

it looks like their homepage and README are back, maybe the maintainers realized?

At this point, I have zero faith that the maintainers have any idea what they are doing.

RouterCFW commented 1 year ago

All lists are blank now. Well, it was a good run boys. Time to abandon ship. I recommend OISD list and shilling for my own DNS service: https://controld.com (our lists are bespoke).

make a asus Merlin CLI and I’ll jump it’s the only reason I’m using nextdns

ghost commented 1 year ago

All lists are blank now. Well, it was a good run boys. Time to abandon ship. I recommend OISD list and shilling for my own DNS service: https://controld.com (our lists are bespoke).

Can I make a suggestion? Can you remove the Energized lists and add those of @hagezi?

yegors commented 1 year ago

@RouterCFW We have a CLI utility being released shortly (this week), which runs on routers.

@marcoclg19 It was removed. We'll look into the list you suggested, however out bespoke Ads & Trackers list is really good. Many people who wanted 3rd party lists switched back to our own due to amounts of false positives found in community lists. Give it a shot :)

RouterCFW commented 1 year ago

@RouterCFW We have a CLI utility being released shortly (this week), which runs on routers.

@marcoclg19 It was removed. We'll look into the list you suggested, however out bespoke Ads & Trackers list is really good. Many people who wanted 3rd party lists switched back to our own due to amounts of false positives found in community lists. Give it a shot :)

Wait what 😳❤️

Garbg commented 1 year ago

@RouterCFW We have a CLI utility being released shortly (this week), which runs on routers.

@marcoclg19 It was removed. We'll look into the list you suggested, however out bespoke Ads & Trackers list is really good. Many people who wanted 3rd party lists switched back to our own due to amounts of false positives found in community lists. Give it a shot :)

@yegors Is your list public? If so, where can I find it?

yegors commented 1 year ago

Not public yet, but will be published here: https://github.com/Control-D-Inc/

Uj947nXmRqV2nRaWshKtHzTvckUUpD commented 1 year ago

so is there any official statement from the maintainers/devs?

asdfzxcvbn commented 1 year ago

no, doesn't look like it. what worries me even more is that the automatic updating of the lists has stopped. the last commit to this repo was 4 days ago, while it usually updates every ~6 hours. i've just sent an email to a maintainer and will share it here if i get a response.

Joomsy commented 1 year ago

This feels like a compromise to me, or a disgruntled dev. Any and all social media, and my banking app got blocked. Now I'm seeing others here reporting things like Google being blocked. I only used the regional and basic list, but the regional one is what pretty umbrella blocked everything. I only noticed Basic blocking Imgur, but I don't really use social media beyond image hosts and YouTube, so there's likely others. Really feels like somebody maliciously did this, rather than incompetently.

@yegors Thanks for offering an alternative. As fun as it would be to amasse several other lists, I much prefer a centralized solution. Will keep an eye on your repo for the public release.

Uj947nXmRqV2nRaWshKtHzTvckUUpD commented 1 year ago

it seems also that https://energized.pro/ is down

yegors commented 1 year ago

I spoke to one of the devs on Telegram, he said "I am just a little busy with life. Hope to get it fixed by next week."

Take this as you will.

RouterCFW commented 1 year ago

@RouterCFW We have a CLI utility being released shortly (this week), which runs on routers.

@marcoclg19 It was removed. We'll look into the list you suggested, however out bespoke Ads & Trackers list is really good. Many people who wanted 3rd party lists switched back to our own due to amounts of false positives found in community lists. Give it a shot :)

Will it forward local device names and mac etc so you can filter them in logs ? Since that’s why I use the nextdns CLI

Taubin commented 1 year ago

I spoke to one of the devs on Telegram, he said "I am just a little busy with life. Hope to get it fixed by next week."

Take this as you will.

It's a bit too late for me and I'm sure many others. Something like this they simply cannot let go until "next week". It's already been going for over a week now.

yegors commented 1 year ago

@RouterCFW Email me (yegor@controld.com), I'll send you a preview 1.0 build to play around with (you can do what you asked, but not as "magically" as with NextDNS). Don't wanna keep hijacking this thread more than I already have.

Uj947nXmRqV2nRaWshKtHzTvckUUpD commented 1 year ago

do we have any updates from dev? i really loved these lists..

asdfzxcvbn commented 1 year ago

according to yegor's quote, a dev said they had been planning on fixing it within a week. that was three weeks ago, and only one commit has been made since then. EnergizedProtection/block@31bbf93 is the only commit that's been made recently, and it only updates the readme to add a sponsors section. however, the commit message does say this:

*Hope to bring back the service up soon.

maybe this means something? well, even if it does, i dont know if it would be a good idea to retrust the devs who "magically" disappeared for weeks and couldnt even make an announcement, only to magically return again. it's none of my business whether you decide to use the list again, so do what you want.

asdfzxcvbn commented 1 year ago

it looks like their homepage has been updated too. now it just reads:

We will be back soon.

instead of an empty page. they might make an announcement sooner or later.

Wizardling commented 1 year ago

Trusting this blocklist again after such a massive and sustained screwup/sabotage, is a fool's errand IMO. Especially when there are a number of high quality alternatives. It is well past time to move on.

silverwings15 commented 1 year ago

Trusting this blocklist again after such a massive and sustained screwup/sabotage, is a fool's errand IMO. Especially when there are a number of high quality alternatives. It is well past time to move on.

been very much out of the loop, can you please provide some such alternatives?

Uj947nXmRqV2nRaWshKtHzTvckUUpD commented 1 year ago

i personally use https://github.com/ScriptTiger/Unified-Hosts-AutoUpdate on windows (to install, run the cmd as admin). runs scheduled and you can customize the lists which are coming from https://github.com/StevenBlack/hosts which is very reputable source and itself aggregates more sources. you can use the lists on other os as well

btw on https://github.com/EnergizedProtection/block you have a list with all kind of sources you can use, that energized used to aggregate (including StevenBlack's hosts)