Open JeffreyEarly opened 1 week ago
Some decisions to the interface need to be made.
When initializing a WVModel, do we want to create a short cut for adding damping? Or is that just silly?
How do we want to add forcing---should we insist the user add it directly to the nonlinearFlux? Or maybe just add it to the WVT? I'm not sure on this, but the former has some appeal.
Then the triad interactions should be handled by the nonlinear flux function itself, right?
TotalFlux = NonlinearFlux + Forcing
TotalFlux = HydrostaticAdvection + Forcing?
This separates out the inertial forcing, from other forcing added and created by the user. This will enable automatic energy and enstrophy flux calculations with the forcing.
Idea partially sketched, but this depends on adding groups to the NetCDF files.