Energy-Pathways-Group / GLOceanKit

Tools for physical oceanography in Matlab and Objective-C
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Remove specification of z from WaveVortexModel initialization #34

Closed JeffreyEarly closed 1 year ago

JeffreyEarly commented 2 years ago

The current initialization is given by, WaveVortexModel(dims, n, z, rhobar, N2, dLnN2, nModes, latitude, rho0) but the reality is that we don't want the user specifying the z coordinate---those points are the quadrature points, chosen automatically. Also, z=0 will always be the surface, because when we eventually support topography, the depth will be variable. So,

I think that'd work. We can then have an option to output any z-grid, but I'm not sure how necessary that is.

In my thinking here, any diagnostic usage of the WaveVortexModel that has some other grid would have to explicitly interpolate to the quadrature grid of the vertical modes. That's fine, and in fact, good.