EnergyInnovation / eps-us

Energy Policy Simulator - United States
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Subscript BFPaT by industry category #151

Open mkmahajan opened 3 years ago

mkmahajan commented 3 years ago

Robbie pointed out that the price for certain fuels can vary greatly by industry. For example, refineries or the "energy pipelines and gas processing" industry would pay much less for natural gas than many other industries. Would this be relatively straightforward to implement?

jrissman commented 3 years ago

This one would be annoying to implement because of the way things are subscripted. I'd personally recommend giving this one low priority, or reconsider whether to do it at all. I don't think it would affect results much, as most industries will be ordinary gas consumers (i.e. there is a market price for gas), and the gas pipeline industry might be just a one-off exception, if they can get gas for their own use at wholesale prices (and even this, I am not sure of). There's a cost to increasing the complexity of input data demanded - you're not going to easily find fuel prices disaggregated by industry by fuel in many countries - and I'm not sure the possible benefit is worth the complexity here.