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Improve handling of industrial CHP and other Industrial Energy Transformations (coke, refining, etc.) #169

Open robbieorvis opened 3 years ago

robbieorvis commented 3 years ago

With additional state models and now a model for the EU, one thing we are consistently running into are challenges around how industrial CHP is currently handled in the model. In particular, there is a lot of industrial CHP being sold back to the electricity grid in industry-heavy states and in the EU. Right now, we don't have a great way to handle this. We are mostly putting the energy consumption for industrial CHP plants in the industry sector, offsetting electricity consumption by the amount produced by industrial CHP, and setting the input data values for the share of heat coming from CHP so that the heat demand from dedicated heat plants is correct. In instances where the are is net production of electricity in the industry sector (ie electricity is being produced in excess of what is needed and sold back to the grid) we are attempting to repurpose a power plant type to represent industrial CHP, which has significant limitations (e.g. limited to picking a single fuel and ensuring that the repurposed power plant type is not hard linked to an industry sector).

It would be a significant improvement in the industry and electricity sectors of the model if we could separately track and model industrial CHP and if these plants were eligible to output power to the grid. Their output might be fixed based on the capacity given the fact that they are being used for heat and producing electricity as a byproduct, kind of like using guaranteed dispatch.

If we decided to make this enhancement, it would probably make sense to do it for heat also, since the two can be tracked together. In fact, we might use the opportunity to build out a part of the model that tracks transformation of primary to secondary energy consumed on-site in the industry sector. This would primarily capture heat and electricity produced in industrial CHP plants and also the use of crude byproducts in refineries (and maybe the chemicals sector). I don't think it would significantly increase the data requirement since much of this data is already gathered and has to be very carefully removed in the input data files (which itself is prone to errors). It may actually simplify things to have the model doing the calculations instead of trying to do these outside the model in Excel.

jrissman commented 3 years ago

Seems reasonable to me. The current structure was built assuming the electricity generated any given industry would not exceed what that industry consumes (summed across all individual facilities/companies within that industry). But it sounds like there are places where that is not true, and I agree that having electricity exports from industry to the grid supported in model structure would be needed to handle this situation correctly. This will also improve cash flow accuracy. And accurate cash flows are what feed into our jobs and GDP calculations.

I'm not sure what you mean by "do it for heat also." You mean an industry produces more heat than it uses, so it sells the heat to... whom? Is this done to a significant degree? Heat is less able to be transported over long distances or stored than electricity is.

As far as other energy transformations, the two that come to mind are refining (converting crude to secondary petroleum products) and coke ovens (converting metallurgical coal to coke). I don't think the Chemicals industry is an example. They do use a lot of fossil feedstocks, but their products are not generally fuels/energy. They produce things like fertilizers, plastics, solvents, adhesives, paints, personal care products, etc.

Is there some capability you need with respect to refineries or coke ovens that we don't have today, in terms of policies you want to model or outputs you want?

robbieorvis commented 3 years ago


For heat, I was mainly thinking that if we are going through the trouble of tracking CHP, we should track the heat and electricity generated for CHP. For instance, in a lot of input data, there is primary/final energy consumption for producing heat and electricity but there is also heat demand listed, some (in some cases all) of which is produced in CHP. But some may be acquired from district heating, e.g. in China and the US. So if we had a way to track the energy consumption for CHP in the industry sector and the electricity and heat supply out, we could the estimate the net heat demand by industry from the district heating sector. So I was just thinking that we could track both easily with the addition of CHP and to your point that it would improve cash flow calculations.

You are correct on refineries and coke ovens being the main two categories and on chemicals not being a good example. I was thinking in part of petrochemicals in particular, in which I assume there is some use of secondary products, but probably not to the degree of refining.

For refineries in particular, one thing that has come up in a few conversations is that representing fuel costs as crude or other energy costs isn’t really accurate and somewhat overstates the economic case for fuel switching. The primary fuels used for energy purposes in refineries appear to be, for the most part, “free” refining byproducts, such as refinery/still gas. So, capturing the use of secondary products, particularly if they can’t be sold or aren’t used elsewhere, would help improve the economic calculations around refining decarb.

Robbie Orvis Director of Energy Policy Design +1 415-799-2171 98 Battery Street, Suite 202 San Francisco, CA 94111 www.energyinnovation.org @.***D768E8.B46ECA60]

From: Jeff Rissman @.> Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 2021 7:26 PM To: Energy-Innovation/eps-us @.> Cc: Robbie Orvis @.>; Author @.> Subject: Re: [Energy-Innovation/eps-us] Improve handling of industrial CHP (#169)

Seems reasonable to me. The current structure was built assuming the electricity generated any given industry would not exceed what that industry consumes (summed across all individual facilities/companies within that industry). But it sounds like there are places where that is not true, and I agree that having electricity exports from industry to the grid supported in model structure would be needed to handle this situation correctly. This will also improve cash flow accuracy. And accurate cash flows are what feed into our jobs and GDP calculations.

I'm not sure what you mean by "do it for heat also." You mean an industry produces more heat than it uses, so it sells the heat to... whom? Is this done to a significant degree? Heat is less able to be transported over long distances or stored than electricity is.

As far as other energy transformations, the two that come to mind are refining (converting crude to secondary petroleum products) and coke ovens (converting metallurgical coal to coke). I don't think the Chemicals industry is an example. They do use a lot of fossil feedstocks, but their products are not generally fuels/energy. They produce things like fertilizers, plastics, solvents, adhesives, paints, personal care products, etc.

Is there some capability you need with respect to refineries or coke ovens that we don't have today, in terms of policies you want to model or outputs you want?

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jrissman commented 2 years ago

In looking through a POTENCIA spreadsheet Megan sent me today, I saw that there are a variety of other energy transformations and flows in the Industry sector we might consider, if we're being very thorough about implementing all energy flows. For instance, coke ovens don't just make coke. They also make coke oven gas. Some of that is used by the coke ovens themselves, some is used by the iron and steel industry, a little is lost, and a little is used by other industries such as chemicals.

Blast furnaces are simpler. In addition to iron (a non-fuel product), they make blast furnace gas. But according to POTENCIA, blast furnace gas is essentially all used in the blast furnaces or the iron and steel industry itself, so there isn't an issue with selling it to a different industry.

There are other minor byproducts that are similar, like "gas works gas" from the gas processing industry, refinery gases, etc.

It may not be worth trying to deal with such minor things, but before starting work on this issue, it would probably be wise at least to make a comprehensive list of all the byproduct energy sources produced in the Industry sector and what happens to them (e.g. are they entirely used within that same industry, are some lost, are some sold to other industries), and then mindfully decide what subset of them we wish to represent explicitly in the EPS.

It probably is not wise to add a bunch of new fuel types for every minor flammable byproduct substance, but we'll need to figure out what to do. Probably the best approach would be to assign each one to the most similar chemical fuel we have in the EPS. For instance, "gas works gas" might be assigned to natural gas. A different approach is to have a catch-all fuel type, something like "other fossil fuels," but I don't like this because it would be hard to meaningfully assign pollutant emissions intensities to a catch-all category.

jrissman commented 2 years ago

I've attached a POTENCIA spreadsheet that shows energy transformations and flows in great detail, which might be useful for understanding which industries produce which energy sources (even as a byproduct) and how those energy sources are used. Reminder to refer to my email to Megan on 8/17/2021 where I walk through some of the flows for the coke ovens, blast furnaces, and iron and steel industry, as an example.


robbieorvis commented 2 years ago

Fully support broadening this issue to encompass the general production and use of energy products on site, including heat from CHP but also the types of fuels you listed (to a certain degree). I think starting with an inventory of fuels and processes we want to capture is a great starting point.

I’ll also point out that this may get around some of the issues with fuel prices in industry wherein industries that produce certain fuels wouldn’t have to pay for those fuels. We’ve been use broad categories for fuels, like natural gas, when we really man refinery gas or coke oven gas, which could now have specific prices.

One similar area this came up but in a slightly different context is for energy pipelines and gas processing, which consume natural gas to process and move the gas but pay an effective price of $0 for that gas because they own it. However, with a single industrial price for natural gas, we do not have a way of reflecting this. It is similar but somewhat different than the issues in this thread but worth considering as well.

Robbie Orvis Senior Director of Energy Policy Design +1 415-799-2171 1225 Eye Street, N.W. Suite 904 Washington, D.C. 20005 www.energyinnovation.org @.***

From: Jeff Rissman @.> Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2021 10:00 PM To: Energy-Innovation/eps-us @.> Cc: Robbie Orvis @.>; Author @.> Subject: Re: [Energy-Innovation/eps-us] Improve handling of industrial CHP and other Industrial Energy Transformations (coke, refining, etc.) (#169)

I've attached a POTENCIA spreadsheet that shows energy transformations and flows in great detail, which might be useful for understanding which industries produce which energy sources (even as a byproduct) and how those energy sources are used. Reminder to refer to my email to Megan on 8/17/2021 where I walk through some of the flows for the coke ovens, blast furnaces, and iron and steel industry, as an example.


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jrissman commented 2 years ago

In my mind, a gas processing plant's closest analog seems to be a refinery. That is, the gas processing plant does to natural gas something analogous to what a refinery does to crude oil. I'd be inclined to handle them similarly - i.e. to start tracking both the inputs they buy, and the outputs they sell.

Do you know if gas processing plants purchase and own all the gas they process? Or are they effectively hired to process another company's gas, like a service provider that doesn't take ownership of the gas being processed?

Either way, if they consume some gas themselves, that gas cannot be sold, so someone is losing an amount of revenue equivalent to whatever they could sell it for. The revenue must come out of the gas processing plant, since they're the one using the gas. I'm not sure if a purchase price of $0 makes sense in this context, as we don't want the gas processing plant to act as though the energy it consumes is free. Maybe the gas processing plant has to purchase the gas it consumes for its own needs, even if it doesn't need to purchase the gas it passes through to the transmission/distribution system.

In terms of model structure, I think there needs to be a new module or section for industry sector energy transformations, which tracks the fuel inflows and outflows from each industry that produces fuels, like the iron and steel and refining industries. (I can refer to the POTENCIA spreadsheet attached above to make sure I'm capturing all industries that produce any sort of fuel.) This could happen a bit upstream of the existing industry calculations, except the inflows and outflows need to be modified by the policy-driven growth or shrinkage of the relevant industry. (For example, if the iron and steel industry shrinks, the production of blast furnace gas needs to shrink.) For finances, we need to make sure each industry still has to pay for the energy they consume, at least. Refineries and gas processing plants should see a profit (selling fuel for more than the inputs cost), but this is not necessarily true for industries where the fuel is just a byproduct (iron and steel, maybe chemicals). The ability to sell these fuels should be affected by policy - I think this is already handled for natural gas and refining (refined petroleum products), but not for things like coke oven gas and blast furnace gas.

It is slightly tricky to try to visualize the exact structure in advance - this is the sort of thing where working on it in Vensim will help to clarify it.

robbieorvis commented 2 years ago

I’m pretty sure the processing plants “own” the gas in that they don’t pay anyone for it or for the use of it. It’s kind of an opportunity cost, as you suggest.

While it’s true it’s lost revenue, we really don’t handle opportunity cost in that way in the model at the moment. Perhaps $0 isn’t correct, but I’m really not sure what the correct price is. For what it’s worth, EIA assigns this a price of effectively $0.

It may be helpful to frame it around the types of impacts that might result from different settings in the model.

I’ll try and do some more research on this topic

Robbie Orvis Senior Director of Energy Policy Design +1 415-799-2171 1225 Eye Street, N.W. Suite 904 Washington, D.C. 20005 www.energyinnovation.org @.***

From: Jeff Rissman @.> Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2021 4:01 PM To: Energy-Innovation/eps-us @.> Cc: Robbie Orvis @.>; Author @.> Subject: Re: [Energy-Innovation/eps-us] Improve handling of industrial CHP and other Industrial Energy Transformations (coke, refining, etc.) (#169)

In my mind, a gas processing plant's closest analog seems to be a refinery. That is, the gas processing plant does to natural gas something analogous to what a refinery does to crude oil. I'd be inclined to handle them similarly - i.e. to start tracking both the inputs they buy, and the outputs they sell.

Do you know if gas processing plants purchase and own all the gas they process? Or are they effectively hired to process another company's gas, like a service provider that doesn't take ownership of the gas being processed?

Either way, if they consume some gas themselves, that gas cannot be sold, so someone is losing an amount of revenue equivalent to whatever they could sell it for. The revenue must come out of the gas processing plant, since they're the one using the gas. I'm not sure if a purchase price of $0 makes sense in this context, as we don't want the gas processing plant to act as though the energy it consumes is free. Maybe the gas processing plant has to purchase the gas it consumes for its own needs, even if it doesn't need to purchase the gas it passes through to the transmission/distribution system.

In terms of model structure, I think there needs to be a new module or section for industry sector energy transformations, which tracks the fuel inflows and outflows from each industry that produces fuels, like the iron and steel and refining industries. (I can refer to the POTENCIA spreadsheet attached above to make sure I'm capturing all industries that produce any sort of fuel.) This could happen a bit upstream of the existing industry calculations, except the inflows and outflows need to be modified by the policy-driven growth or shrinkage of the relevant industry. (For example, if the iron and steel industry shrinks, the production of blast furnace gas needs to shrink.) For finances, we need to make sure each industry still has to pay for the energy they consume, at least. Refineries and gas processing plants should see a profit (selling fuel for more than the inputs cost), but this is not necessarily true for industries where the fuel is just a byproduct (iron and steel, maybe chemicals). The ability to sell these fuels should be affected by policy - I think this is already handled for natural gas and refining (refined petroleum products), but not for things like coke oven gas and blast furnace gas.

It is slightly tricky to try to visualize the exact structure in advance - this is the sort of thing where working on it in Vensim will help to clarify it.

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robbieorvis commented 2 years ago

One related issue I just realized is for iron and steel: if we electrify iron and steel, primarily by moving from BF-BOF to DRI-EAF, we should see a big decrease in process emissions in addition to reductions from energy consumption. We probably also would need to account more generally for fuel shifting from metallurgical coal based BF-BOF to natural gas (or an H2/gas blend, or pure H2) for DRI-EAF, with subsequent changes to process emissions. I wasn't quite sure if this should be part of this issue or a new one, but for now wanted to put here.

Jeff, you probably have a lot of resources already, but here's one I found comparing process CO2 from the two processes:

jrissman commented 2 years ago

We will likely need detailed policy levers and special handling for ways to decarbonize the steel, chemicals, and cement industries, which correctly calculate impacts on both energy-related and process emissions. This also intersects with issue #181 (decarbonizing feedstocks) per metallurgical coal and chemical feedstocks. All of these topics are intertwined and will need to be tackled in a large, integrated update to the Industry sector.