Currently, spending on distributed solar and on building retrofitting go entirely to capital equipment suppliers (except for sales taxes, which go to government). Divide up this payment so that the equipment share of the cost goes to capital equipment suppliers, while the installation cost (labor) goes to consumers. Government get a share based on sales tax on capital and worker marginal income tax on labor payments. You can refer to the way cash flows for new EV chargers (in the Transportation sector) are divided between capital, labor, and taxes as an example.
Currently, spending on distributed solar and on building retrofitting go entirely to capital equipment suppliers (except for sales taxes, which go to government). Divide up this payment so that the equipment share of the cost goes to capital equipment suppliers, while the installation cost (labor) goes to consumers. Government get a share based on sales tax on capital and worker marginal income tax on labor payments. You can refer to the way cash flows for new EV chargers (in the Transportation sector) are divided between capital, labor, and taxes as an example.