EnergyInnovation / eps-us

Energy Policy Simulator - United States
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Add Subregion Support to RPS/CES #275

Closed jrissman closed 10 months ago

jrissman commented 1 year ago

Use the "subregion" subscript in the RPS/CES section, at least for BAU input data, and possibly consider subscripting the RPS/CES policy lever by subregion as well.

Use the structure for the ZEV Vehicle Sales Standard as a guide for how to implement subregions in a targeted way that only touches a few variables. Subregion should not be carried through the entire electricity sector. The code for this feature should exist in the section that calculates the total amount of RPS-qualifying electricity output to seek (i.e., leading into variable Additional Potential Output Needed to Meet RPS) and should not affect the code that converts this output to capacity by assigning it to specific hours and timeslices.

If you need to implement a control lever to disable RPS policy foresight (per issue #255), you may wish to do that work around the same time as work on this feature.

jrissman commented 10 months ago

Subregion support in the RPS/CES policy is now fully implemented. It works similarly to the subregion capabilities of the EV standard policy in the transport sector.

In the course of updating the input data to support this feature, I fixed a bug where some states that had hydro or nuclear included in their state-level RPS/CES target definitions were being treated as if they did not include these sources in their state-level definitions, which resulted in a double-counting of some nuclear and hydro generation for purposes of calculating the BAU nationally weighted average RPS. After fixing this bug, the nationally weighted RPS in the BAU case is lower than before. For example, it reaches 43% in 2050 instead of 50%.