EnergyInnovation / eps-us

Energy Policy Simulator - United States
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Switch the ordering of industrial efficiency and industrial fuel shifting #303

Closed mkmahajan closed 1 month ago

mkmahajan commented 1 month ago

The industry sector currently applies efficiency policies, then industrial fuel shifting. If a scenario includes both efficiency for fossil fuels as well as electrification, for example, the resulting electricity demand will be lower than in a case with just electrification, even though the user has not specified an increase in efficiency for electric equipment.

We can get around this by switching the ordering in which the industry policies are applied. Jeff and I discussed moving the five policies that touch industrial efficiency (efficiency standards, installation and system integration, early facility retirement, cogeneration and waste heat recovery, and R&D) to come after the fuel switching code. Note that we have not been using the early facility retirement policy in the US model, and the policy will be redesigned in 4.1 when we address industry stock turnover.