EnergyInnovation / eps-us

Energy Policy Simulator - United States
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Switch from physical energy content reporting method for primary energy from renewables #306

Closed mkmahajan closed 1 week ago

mkmahajan commented 1 week ago

We consistently get questions about why our primary energy values for renewables are so high. It seems most other organizations use the "physical energy content" method for reporting this, i.e. reporting the physical energy content of the electricity generated by the plants without a heat rate adjustment like we've historically done in the EPS (the "partial substitution" method). In addition, the EPS was hard coded to use the heat rate for hard coal rather than an average generating efficiency for the region. This was overstating the primary energy for renewables for pretty much all regions, and the adjustment remained pegged to the start year mix. For most regions now, we see significant changes in the electricity mix with time.

This FAQ from IEA lays out these two different approaches and states that because of the shortcomings of the partial substitution method, the IEA and most other international organizations have switched to using the physical energy content method instead. To stay consistent with the reporting method most other organizations are using, I am updating the variable "Renewable Electricity Generation Converted to Primary Energy" in line with the physical energy content method.

mkmahajan commented 1 week ago