EnergyInnovation / eps-us

Energy Policy Simulator - United States
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Add new technology-focused lever(s) to address industrial process CO2 #33

Open jrissman opened 4 years ago

jrissman commented 4 years ago

The EPS currently has a variety of technology-focused policy levers that reduce non-CO2 industrial process emissions, based on costs and potentials from an EPA report. It also has a cement clinker substitution lever, which reduces CO2 process emissions from the cement industry. However, this leaves a significant amount of process CO2 untouched, including all process CO2 from non-cement industries, and the remaining process CO2 from cement after the cement clinker substitution lever is maxed out.

There are various technical approaches to dealing with industrial process CO2, some involving hydrogen. Now that we have a hydrogen sector and handle hydrogen as a fuel type (added in 2.0.0), it is a good time to revisit the CO2 process emissions and consider implementing some additional technology-focused levers that abate process CO2.

jrissman commented 4 years ago

Commit 9d08902 adds the ability to sequester process CO2 via CCS, which is one major way to address the CO2 process emissions that were not already addressed via cement clinker substitution. However, I'm going to leave this issue open, because there probably are still some other technological approaches we might model that reduce process CO2: