EnergyInnovation / eps-us

Energy Policy Simulator - United States
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Add green government procurement policy for industrial products #54

Open jrissman opened 4 years ago

jrissman commented 4 years ago

Add a policy lever to represent government procurement programs that buy (or require projects receiving government money to buy) low-carbon cement and low-carbon steel.

One approach is to improve the energy efficiency of production (similar to the energy efficiency standards lever) based on (1) the required percentage improvement in energy efficiency to qualify for the green procurement program, and (2) the share of the market for that industrial good/material that falls under the green procurement program. This share will be larger than the government's own financial spending on cement and steel (which we already have in indst/FoISaGPbE), because projects that receive only a share of their total funding from government may nonetheless be required to purchase exclusively low-carbon materials.