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Syntax mismatch in documentation 9.2.6 #339

Open sharwaridixit opened 2 weeks ago

sharwaridixit commented 2 weeks ago

Very minor issue but section 9.2.6 in the documentation shows an example table for setting up the preset sector using the consumption_path. The table shows a column entitled 'TimeSlice' however after running my model I was getting the following error:

Exception has occurred: KeyError "['Timeslice'] not found in axis" File "/Users/sharwaridixit/MUSE_OS/src/muse/readers/", line 792, in read_csv_outputs data = data.drop(columns=list(indices)) File "/Users/sharwaridixit/MUSE_OS/src/muse/sectors/", line 41, in factory consumption = read_csv_outputs(sector_conf.consumption_path) File "/Users/sharwaridixit/MUSE_OS/src/muse/", line 74, in factory sectors.append(SECTORS_REGISTERED[kind](sector, settings)) File "/Users/sharwaridixit/Documents/Transport/Transporttrialmodel_v2/", line 13, in model = MCA.factory(settings) KeyError: "['Timeslice'] not found in axis"

The 'read_csv_outputs' function identifies the timeslice column using the name "Timeslice" not "TimeSlice" ; changing the name of the column fixes the error. Therefore, potentially updating that in the documentation could avoid future issues.