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Sphinx builds documentation but throws 126 warnings and not all HTML documents are rendered without artefacts #352

Open HarmonicReflux opened 1 week ago

HarmonicReflux commented 1 week ago

Describe the bug

Building the documentation using Sphinx results in a "build succeeded", but I receive 126 warnings.

Also, there is a problem with artefacts in the rendered HTML files. For example, after the build succeeded, taking a look at the built docs/build/application-flow.html in Chrome browser, results in the screenshot displayed further below.

To Reproduce

1) Activate the virtual environment MUSE_OS is installed. 2) If necessary invoke sudo apt install pandoc 3) As per documentation 3.4.4. Building the documentation invoke python -m sphinx -b html docs docs/build

You should then see a screenshot similar to the ones posted below.

Expected behaviour

Building the documentation should run without warnings and rendering of the HTML documents should be without artefacts.


1) python -m sphinx -b html docs docs/build throws 126 warnings: Screenshot from 2024-06-19 16-20-50

2) HTML document not rendered correctly: Screenshot from 2024-06-19 16-29-23 Screenshot from 2024-06-19 16-29-39


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