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Documentation for installing MUSE (chapter 3.0 to 3.3 in the documentation) should be written clearer #357

Open HarmonicReflux opened 1 week ago

HarmonicReflux commented 1 week ago

The documentation can be improved for clarity.

For example, 3.2 talks about pipx. Then pyenv is dealt with as a subsection of 3.2, but one can perfectly make use of pyenv without ever touching pipx. For example at the moment we have: 3.2. pipx-based installation Installing pyenv

Then, virtual environments are dealt with again in section 3.3, however, it covers conda only. Again, using pyenv along venv, one can perfectly create virutal environments without ever touching conda. Hence, it is confusing to read and sorting chapter 3 better into into clearly separate parts would help clarity.

Specifically, documentation for conda and pyenv should be considered separately.

alexdewar commented 1 week ago

This seems sensible on the face of it.

What does everyone else think? @dalonsoa @tsmbland

dalonsoa commented 1 week ago

I agree that is confusing, but a few notes on this: