Engine-Room / Flywheel

A modern engine for modded Minecraft.
MIT License
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Architectury Multi-Loader Setup #236

Closed Kneelawk closed 2 months ago

Kneelawk commented 3 months ago

This PR

This PR merges the Flywheel Fabric and Forge branches into a single branch, using an Architectury-based multi-project setup.

Jozufozu commented 3 months ago

Is the jsr dependency necessary for other dependencies? We use jetbrains annotations for all immediate flywheel stuff

Kneelawk commented 3 months ago

Is the jsr dependency necessary for other dependencies? We use jetbrains annotations for all immediate flywheel stuff

The jsr is the only place I could find the javax.annotation.ParametersAreNonnullByDefault annotation generated in the package-infos, but I can look again.