EngineerBetter / concourse-up

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Metrics Missing from Grafana Dashboard #68

Closed psellars-hyprnz closed 5 years ago

psellars-hyprnz commented 5 years ago

Awesome work with all the updates.

Just tore down a really old Concourse-Up version and stood up the latest version - with the help of some meta-pipelines all up and running really quickly.

I am missing the Containers, Build per hour and Build Times metrics when I go to the Grafana dashboard. The CPU, Memory Usage and Disk Usage are there but the others are missing.

I checked the influxdb datasource in Grafana - and when I edit the graphs it appears the from used is not present in influxdb - it appears I am only seeing data from the web node not the workers?

Any ideas on how to fix this would be greatly appreciated...wondering if I am missing some routing, security groups or configuration.

danyoung commented 5 years ago

Hi @psellars-hyprnz - thanks for letting us know. We actually noticed this on our own deployment too and opened a bug internally. Will let you know what we find.

psellars-hyprnz commented 5 years ago

Thanks @danyoung - had a quick (very quick) scan to see if I could find anything obvious - without luck. End of the week here in NZ, so will leave it with you guys for now.

dark5un commented 5 years ago

Hi @psellars-hyprnz , I am pleased to announce that the latest release 0.13.8 does not have this bug. Thank you for letting us know.