English-Academy / Diary

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[Ruby] - 2021년 06월 16일 Wed. #605

Open hichunhee opened 3 years ago

hichunhee commented 3 years ago

I woke up at 6 am. I went to work by subway. It was a nice and sunny day. So, I felt good.

My junior staff got COVID-19 vaccination shot 2 days ago. Fortunately, he was OK. In the morning, we worked hard. Because we had a lot of work to do. Around 11am, I went to Samsung service senter. Because my cell phone was broken. I had a sandwich and Ice vanilla latte at Ourbakery. It was good. I checked my diary over the meal. Shawn`s comment was helpful. So I am always thankful for his work. When he teaches English, he looks so happy. After lunch, I took a walk in Dosan park.

I came back to the office at 1 pm. I wrote many documents and I entered many data in my computer. Now, it is 7 pm. I am wirting my diary at my office After writing my diary, I will get off work.

Good bye.

shawn-hy1232 commented 3 years ago


  1. 'It was a nice sunny day.' -> 'It was a nice and sunny day.'

  2. 'Because my cell phone was checked.' -> ??

  3. 'I had sandwich' -> 'I had a sandwich'

  4. 'I walked along in Dosan park.' -> 'I took a walk in Dosan park.'

  5. 'I got to enter data in my computer.' -> ??

  6. 'I wirting my diary at my office' -> 'I am writing my diary at my office.'

hichunhee commented 3 years ago
  1. Because my cell phone was checked. -->> Because my cell phone was broken.

핸드폰 고장이 나서..

  1. I got to enter data in my computer.' -->> I entered many data in my computer.

많은 자료를 내 컴퓨터에 입력했다 입니다.

PS. 화욜 끝날 때 급하게 알려준 3 books vs 3 times 의 part of speech 유용한 정보 고맙습니다. 배울수록 흥미로워요. Very good !!