English-Academy / Diary

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[Ruby] - 2021년 07월 06일 Tue. #637

Open hichunhee opened 3 years ago

hichunhee commented 3 years ago

I woke up early in the morning. It was hot today. I walked to the subway station. But I Ieft my wallet at home. So I went back home. In the morning, I was busy working. So I didn't have time to have a chat with my colleagues. I had a sandwich at A Twosome place for lunch. I wanted to check my diary at the cafe. But it was so cold for me to stay. So I left A Twosome place. I came back to my office building. I went up to the second floor. I walked around the second floor while I was reading my textbook.

In the afternoon, I reported some documents and I signed some documents. While I was working, I got a text message from my colleague. It was about Daegu real estate market. He went to a business trip to Daegu today. And I texted him and said " I am always thankful for your work. I want you to come back to Seoul carefully. And see you tomorrow " I got off work. And I took English class for an hour. Before the class, Shawn and I had a chat. First of all, I read my diaries. Second, I asked some questions and Shawn answered them all in detail. The time went by quickly. So we couldn't cover the textbook. After the class, I came back home.

Now, I am very tired. So I will go to sleep soon.

Good night.

P.S Shawn~

I want to finish level 1 in my textbook when our next class. Please ~~~

shawn-hy1232 commented 3 years ago


  1. 'So I came back from home.' -> 'So I went back home.'

  2. 'I was busy working.' -> Good! 어제 'I spent the whole day studying' 이라고 적은 문장이랑 여기 적은 문장같이 다음시간에 한번 볼게요! I spent the whole day studying 어제 5형식이라고 말씀드렸는데, 다시 보니 3형식이네요. studying이나 working이나 모두 현재 분사이며 우리가 아직 배우지 않은 부사적 기능을 하고 있습니다.

  3. 'So I couldn't talk anything with my colleague.' -> 'I didn't have time to have a chat with my colleagues.' 이 문장도 같이 보겠습니다. (to 부정사구의 형용사적 용법)

  4. 'I wanted to check my diary at the place.' -> 'I wanted to check my diary at the cafe.'

  5. 'I came back my office building.' -> 'I came back to my office building.'

  6. 'as I practice reading my textbook.' -> 'while I was reading my textbook.' (이런 문장에서 as 쓰지 마세요^^ 다시 생각해보니 as는 ~할때 입니다.)

  7. 'During the working, I got a text. The text is report about Deagu real estate market. And the text is written my colleague.' -> 'While I was working, I got a text message from my colleague. It was about Daegu real estate market.'

  8. 'He went to business trip to Daegu today. And I tested him and said' -> 'He went to a business trip to Daegu today. And I texted him and said'

  9. 'So I couldn't learned about my textbook.' -> 'So we couldn't cover the textbook.'

  10. 'In the middle of study, we sometimes heard a new teacher's voice to next room.' -> Cross it out

hichunhee commented 3 years ago

Shawn ~

  1. I Ieft my wallet "at "home

  2. I went back home

    Home이 둘다 부사인것 같은데, 왜 1번은 at 을 붙여도 되나요?

shawn-hy1232 commented 3 years ago

접근을 반대로 해볼게요. 원어민이 'at home' 이라는 표현을 1번 문장에서 사용했다고 가정하면 그게 맞는 표현일꺼에요. 그렇다면 at home은 전치사구 일것입니다. 그리고 전치사구는 전치사와 명사로 이루어져 있기 때문에 home은 여기서 명사이겠죠. home은 명사적 부사적 의미가 둘다 존재합니다. 이런식으로 추론을 하셔야합니다~^^