English-Academy / Diary

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[Ruby] - 2021년 07월 28일 Wed. #666

Open hichunhee opened 3 years ago

hichunhee commented 3 years ago

As expected, it was really hot today. I went to work early. Before I worked, I reviewed my diaries that I wrote a few days ago.

As soon as my boss came to work, he told me that " Ruby! Let`s go drink coffee right now ". So we went to a cafe and chatted for about an hour and a half. Around 10 am, the three accountants came to work like yesterday. They worked in our meeting room. At lunch time, we had delivery food.

At 2 pm, the partner accountant told me that he wanted to have a meeting with my colleagues. My boss, my junior staff and I had a meeting with all of the accountants. The partner accountant reported us the result of the audit.

Around 4 pm, all of the accountants got off work. Finally, our company is finished with the audit. Now, suddenly I heard the sound of thunder. I thought that it was raining. After a while, I am going to get off work.

Have a great night !


I wanted that it is rains.

shawn-hy1232 commented 3 years ago


  1. 'Before I work,' -> 'Before the work,' or 'Before I worked,'

  2. 'Let's go to drink coffee right now' -> 'Let's go drink coffee right now'

  3. 'So we went to cafe and chatted on for about an hour and a half.' -> 'So we went to a cafe and chatted for about an hour and a half.'

  4. 'wanted to have meeting with my colleagues.' -> 'wanted to have a meeting with my colleagues.'

  5. 'Finally, our company was finished the audit.' -> 'Finally, our company is finished with the audit.'

  6. 'I want that it is raining.' -> 'I thought that it was raining.'

hichunhee commented 3 years ago

Shawn !

our company " is " finished with the audit.

우리 회사는 회계감사를 마무리'했다'(끝냈다) 그럼 was 아닌가요?

shawn-hy1232 commented 3 years ago

영어를 한국어로 완벽하게 번역하는게 불가능해요. 그저 비슷한 의역을 할 뿐이죠...ㅎㅎ

여기서 'was'를 쓰면 '끝났었다' 느낌이 강해요.

따라서 'is'를 쓴다 라고 말할수는 없어요.

그럼에도 불구하고 왜 'is'를 써야하나면, '현재 회사의 감사가 끝난 상태이다' 라는 뜻을 전하고 싶기 때문이에요. 그 상태는 지금 현재이기 때문에 'is'를 쓰는거죠.

따라서 'was'를 쓰면 '끝난상태이다' 가 아닌 '끝난상태였다' 가 되죠.

shawn-hy1232 commented 2 years ago

'As expected, it was really hot today.' 이 문장은 아까 말씀드렸던대로 원래는 'As it was expected, it was really hot today.' 이죠.

'As it was expected,' 는 conjunction clause 로 Adverb 기능을 하고 있습니다.

근데 conjunction cluase의 주어가 본 문장의 주어와 일치하며 동사가 be 동사일 경우 주어와 동사를 생략할 수 있습니다.

따라서 'As expected'라고 적을수 있습니다.

문장 분석은 다음과 같이 하시면 됩니다.

(conjunction Clause / Adv)
conj. pro verb past.p / adj
As it was expected

주어 동사 생략된 버전

(Adv Phrase / Adv)
conj. past.p / adj
As expected