English-Academy / Diary

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[Ruby] - 2021년 09월 01일 Wed. #710

Open hichunhee opened 2 years ago

hichunhee commented 2 years ago

It was little chilly so I put on my jacket. It was the first day of September. I went to work just as usual.

This morning, I got a text message from my boss. He said " Let's grab some coffee with other senior staffs. I am coming to the office in few mins". So we went to a cafe and we had some coffee. We talked about a new project for about an hour and half. After the meeting, I went straight to 강남 tax office by taxi. I had a business meeting again. After the meeting, I went to Starbucks right next to 강남 tax office. I had a sandwich and green tea for lunch. I checked my diary over the meal. There were only three comments. So I corrected my diary.

I walked to the office slowly. This afternoon, I sent an email to my lawyer and I talked on the phone with him. I explained the tax issue to my lawyer. He promised me that he will reply back my email by this Friday.

Nowadays I have a headache because of tax.

Now I am at my office and all the employees got off work. It's time to go home.

Good bye.

shawn-hy1232 commented 2 years ago


  1. 'After the meeting, I went to Starbucks that is right next 강남 tax office.' -> 'After the meeting, I went to Starbucks right next to 강남 tax office.' that is 는 왠만하면 생략하는것이 좋습니다. next to 가 복합 전치사로 사용 되어야 됩니다.

  2. 'I had sandwich' -> 'I had a sandwich'

  3. 'There were only three of Shawn's comments.' -> 'There were only three comments.'