일기 쓰기 팁!: 일기는 간단하게 - 에세이가 아닙니다. 시제(tense)를 알맞게 써주세요! 일기는 주로 과거에 일어난 일을 쓰는 것이기 때문에 과거 시제로! 하지만 상황에 따라 다양한 시제를 사용할 수도 있습니다.
주의할 점!: 삼인칭 (he, she, it, 등등) 주어를 쓸 때 동사 원형에 s 붙이는 것을 주의 합니다. 항상은 아니지만 대부분 명사 앞에 관사 (article)이 붙습니다. 어떠한 관사를 쓸 것인지 항상 고민하면서 써보세요.
I woke up at 10AM. It was late.
But I didn't care. Because I got off work late last night.
I took a shower and I ate a homemade meal for lunch. I am trying to eat a homemade meal these days. I think I eat too much delivery food.
And And I am using too much plastic. So I am trying to stop that.
After lunch, I went to work at 1PM.
My boss didn't come to our office today.
He got a vaccine today.
I was so good. Because it was quite.
I like mu boss but he makes a noise. 🥲
He calls all day. Of course, I am often the same.
I worked untill at 10PM.
I wanted to go home by bicycle
(I wanted to ride a bicycle home. 이것도 말이 되나요?)
But there was no bicycle near my office.
(자전거는 제 자전거가 아니라 따릉이(공용 자전거)를 말하는 겁니다~!)
So I walked to subway station and I took the train. I am going home now.
일기 쓰기 팁!: 일기는 간단하게 - 에세이가 아닙니다. 시제(tense)를 알맞게 써주세요! 일기는 주로 과거에 일어난 일을 쓰는 것이기 때문에 과거 시제로! 하지만 상황에 따라 다양한 시제를 사용할 수도 있습니다.
주의할 점!: 삼인칭 (he, she, it, 등등) 주어를 쓸 때 동사 원형에 s 붙이는 것을 주의 합니다. 항상은 아니지만 대부분 명사 앞에 관사 (article)이 붙습니다. 어떠한 관사를 쓸 것인지 항상 고민하면서 써보세요.
I woke up at 10AM. It was late. But I didn't care. Because I got off work late last night. I took a shower and I ate a homemade meal for lunch. I am trying to eat a homemade meal these days. I think I eat too much delivery food. And And I am using too much plastic. So I am trying to stop that. After lunch, I went to work at 1PM. My boss didn't come to our office today. He got a vaccine today.
I was so good. Because it was quite. I like mu boss but he makes a noise. 🥲 He calls all day. Of course, I am often the same.
I worked untill at 10PM. I wanted to go home by bicycle (I wanted to ride a bicycle home. 이것도 말이 되나요?)
But there was no bicycle near my office. (자전거는 제 자전거가 아니라 따릉이(공용 자전거)를 말하는 겁니다~!) So I walked to subway station and I took the train. I am going home now.