Open rita1201 opened 3 years ago
'I dreamt about the class last night.' -> 'I dreamed about the class last night.'
'And I woke up from my dream with a start.' -> Cross it out.
'I took off after 5 mins.' -> 'I got off after 5 mins.'
'I was going to go to a small theater tonight.' -> Let's take a look at this together in class.
'The show is interesting' -> 'The show was interesting.'
'We went backstage.' -> 'We went to the backstage.'
일기 쓰기 팁!: 일기는 간단하게 - 에세이가 아닙니다. 시제(tense)를 알맞게 써주세요! 일기는 주로 과거에 일어난 일을 쓰는 것이기 때문에 과거 시제로! 하지만 상황에 따라 다양한 시제를 사용할 수도 있습니다.
주의할 점!: 삼인칭 (he, she, it, 등등) 주어를 쓸 때 동사 원형에 s 붙이는 것을 주의 합니다. 항상은 아니지만 대부분 명사 앞에 관사 (article)이 붙습니다. 어떠한 관사를 쓸 것인지 항상 고민하면서 써보세요.
Today was Sunday. So I had to go to English class in the morning. I dreamed about the class last night. When I woke up, I was late. It was 2PM. So I was surprised in my dream. And I woke up from my dream with a start. I prepared the class and I walked to a bus stop. I took a bus and I got off after 5 mins. My English class room moved near my house. It is a little, but I like it. I usually wake up late on Sunday. So I often take a bus and taxi. The new class room is close to the bus stop. Anyway I had the class. After the class, I walked home for 20 mins. I had lunch at my house and I took a break.
I was going to go to a small theater tonight. Because my friends performed. I went to 방배동 at 6PM and I met my friends. We entered a small theater. We couldn't take a picture. My friends were writers, directors and dancers. They worked hard. The show was interesting and I liked it. After the show, We went to the backstage. And we congratulated our friends and we went to 서현's house. We didn't eat dinner. So we had dinner at 서현's house. 서현 gave me an olive oil. It was hard to bring olive oil. After dinner, I had to go home. On the way home, I was with Charles. Charles is French. He came to Seoul 4 years ago. He is good at Korean and he recently got a job. I am proud of Charles. We live nearby. So we came back home by subway.
At my house, I took a shower and I wrote a diary.