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[강민지] 품사, 구 #32

Open minjikang00 opened 3 years ago

minjikang00 commented 3 years ago

[영어의 품사/ Part of speech]​

  1. Noun (명사)
  2. Pronoun (대명사)
  3. Verb (동사)
  4. Adjective (형용사)
  5. Adverb (부사)
  6. Preposition (전치사)
  7. Conjunction (접속사)
  8. Interjection (감탄사)
  9. Article (관사)

[구/Phrase] : 두 개 이상의 단어를 나열한 것. (주어와 동사는 갖지 않으며, 문장이나 절의 일부분이 됨.)

  1. Noun phrase
    : All the passengers with tickets can board now.
    : Who ate the last sandwich?

  2. Verb Phrase : We have been working since 9am. : I will be going to France next week.

  3. Adjective Phrase : The students were really bored with the film.

  4. Adverb Phrase : He spoke very softly. : They did it as fast as possible.

  5. Prepositional Phrase : They resumed after an unusually large meal. :전치사구는 문장 내에서 형용사나 부사의 기능을 함. ex1) I ate sandwiches for lunch → 전치사구 & 부사 역할. ex2) The woman in the picture is beautiful → 전치사구 & the woman 수식하는 형용사 역할
