Closed LeagueRaINi closed 7 months ago
Tried using this with blazor wasm on android and its not showing the device selector using google chrome (which i know support web bluetooth), works fine on windows, any ideas?
@page "/" @using Blazm.Bluetooth; <PageTitle>Home</PageTitle> @inject IBluetoothNavigator navigator @if (DeviceSelected) { <p>Selected: @DeviceName</p> } else { <button onclick="@Select">Select device</button> } @code { bool DeviceSelected { get; set; } string DeviceName { get; set; } = "None"; async Task Select() { var filter = new RequestDeviceQuery(); filter.Filters.Add(new Filter() { NamePrefix = "ow" }); var device = await navigator.RequestDeviceAsync(filter); if (device != null) { DeviceName = device.Name; DeviceSelected = true; } } }
might just be an issue with blazor pwa itself i guess
seems to work with https
Great feedback, thanks for sharing
Tried using this with blazor wasm on android and its not showing the device selector using google chrome (which i know support web bluetooth), works fine on windows, any ideas?
might just be an issue with blazor pwa itself i guess