EnhancedNetwork / TownofHost-Enhanced

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Add MoreGamemodes proximity chat #343

Closed PHGaming121 closed 8 months ago

PHGaming121 commented 9 months ago

I was already talking about this in discords dev chat Basically add the options for proximity chat from MoreGamemodes

the chat looks like this: Captura de Tela (248)


PHGaming121 commented 9 months ago

idk how to do a task list lol

NikoCat233 commented 9 months ago


PHGaming121 commented 9 months ago


u ever heard of more gamemodes mod?

NikoCat233 commented 9 months ago


PHGaming121 commented 9 months ago


PHGaming121 commented 9 months ago

sorry for caps ;-;

Pietrodjaowjao commented 9 months ago

bro thats impossible, just close this issue, TOHE needs to change the player name every second, and the proximity chat uses the player name for the messages obviousily

FuroYT commented 9 months ago

and its restricted due to it editing the game's hud (which we cant do on vanilla)

Ultradragon005 commented 9 months ago

hm. what if you try to return "Skill Issue" to the game if it dosen't work.

PHGaming121 commented 9 months ago

and its restricted due to it editing the game's hud (which we cant do on vanilla)

wait.. it doesnt edit the players name?

PHGaming121 commented 9 months ago

im soooooooo confuseeed

Gurge44 commented 9 months ago

and its restricted due to it editing the game's hud (which we cant do on vanilla)

More Gamemodes is also host-only, you know that, right..? They just change the player's name which is 100% doable and isn't even hard.

Ultradragon005 commented 9 months ago


PHGaming121 commented 9 months ago

also , @Gurge44 how did u added id support for /up / /setrole ?

PHGaming121 commented 9 months ago

like alot of people asked me if i can do this in tohe ;-;

Gurge44 commented 9 months ago

You can just look at what I've done in TOHE+

PHGaming121 commented 9 months ago

i already tried it, it always says "Invalid Arguments"

the format is /setrole ID ROLE, right?

Gurge44 commented 9 months ago


PHGaming121 commented 9 months ago

Almost done, but closing

PHGaming121 commented 9 months ago


PHGaming121 commented 9 months ago
PHGaming121 commented 9 months ago
  • [ ] Fix Message Doesnt Disappear after some time (like 5/6 seconds)
  • [ ] add Only Impostor And (Optional, but cool) Only Lovers chats

someone heeeeelp

PHGaming121 commented 9 months ago


Ultradragon005 commented 9 months ago

try this: foreach (atom in universe) { NotifyAllPlayers(); }

PHGaming121 commented 9 months ago

try this: foreach (atom in universe) { NotifyAllPlayers(); }

u serious? 💀

Ultradragon005 commented 9 months ago


PHGaming121 commented 9 months ago

try this: foreach (atom in universe) { NotifyAllPlayers(); }

u serious? 💀

i didnt even tried it lol ik it isnt gonna work

Ultradragon005 commented 9 months ago
  • [ ] Fix Message Doesnt Disappear after some time (like 5/6 seconds)
  • [ ] add Only Impostor And (Optional, but cool) Only Lovers chats

someone heeeeelp

lovers chat: using S = System; using C = System.Collections.Generic;

class P { static void M() { int G = 6; int[,] A = R(G); S.CW("M:"); PM(A);

    var D = DFS(A, 0);
    S.CW("DFS:"); PT(D);

    var C = ACO(D);
    S.CW("Result ACO:"); PT(C);

static int[,] R(int S) { var R = new int[S, S]; var N = new S.Random(); for (int I = 0; I < S; I++) for (int J = I + 1; J < S; J++) R[I, J] = R[J, I] = N.Next(2); return R; }

static void PM(int[,] M) { int S = M.GetLength(0); for (int I = 0; I < S; I++) { for (int J = 0; J < S; J++) S.CW($"{M[I, J]}\t"); S.CW(); } S.CW(); }

static C.List<int> DFS(int[,] G, int N) { var T = new C.List<int>(); var S = new C.Stack<int>(); var V = new bool[G.GetLength(0)]; S.Push(N); while (S.Count > 0) { int C = S.Pop(); if (!V[C]) { V[C] = true; T.Add(C); for (int I = G.GetLength(0) - 1; I >= 0; I--) if (G[C, I] == 1 && !V[I]) S.Push(I); } } return T; }

static C.List<int> ACO(C.List<int> T) { var R = new C.List<int>(); foreach (var N in T) R.Add(N * 2 + 1); return R; }

static void PT(C.List<int> T) { foreach (var N in T) S.CW($"{N}\t"); S.CW(); S.CW(); }


PHGaming121 commented 9 months ago

dear devs i just... give up. i just cant code, doesnt even know the basics of c#... but, plz leave this issue open, so... if someone decides to do this, they can use this issue as an base for objectives also, i apologize for the excessive asks for help on discord, its because its a cool feature for me, so i tried adding it, didnt have sucess btw. As i couldnt add it, i asked for devs help, but i asked... too much ._.

idk if i can learn a programming language like c#, but if someday i learn, i will try to add ore features in tohe, maybe even new roles...

Ultradragon005 commented 9 months ago

dear devs i just... give up. i just cant code, doesnt even know the basics of c#... but, plz leave this issue open, so... if someone decides to do this, they can use this issue as an base for objectives also, i apologize for the excessive asks for help on discord, its because its a cool feature for me, so i tried adding it, didnt have sucess btw. As i couldnt add it, i asked for devs help, but i asked... too much ._.

idk if i can learn a programming language like c#, but if someday i learn, i will try to add ore features in tohe, maybe even new roles...

  • PH Gaming

here's what u gonna do, wwatch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhQdlIFylQ8&ab_channel=freeCodeCamp.org, learn this: https://www.w3schools.com/cs/index.php and do these https://www.w3resource.com/csharp-exercises/. Then mess with TOHE source code. and if neccessary ask for help then

PHGaming121 commented 8 months ago

Captura de Tela (305)

wait, if this works, maybe it can work for the private chats?

Ultradragon005 commented 8 months ago

wait, if this works, maybe it can work for the private chats?

litteraly ignoring the glaringly obvious warning below it.....

LucaDoyle commented 8 months ago

open a new issue for a seperate issue