EnigmaticaModpacks / Enigmatica2ExpertSkyblock

The official Issue Tracker for Enigmatica 2: Expert Skyblock
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Stellar Energy Conduits void infinite energy #617

Open TheHorro opened 8 months ago

TheHorro commented 8 months ago

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I want to use the stellar energy conduits but it just voids everything. There does not have to be any other connection to the conduit, just the flux point.

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MirrorImageQS commented 8 months ago

Is it possible that you're mistaking "voiding" for "massive storage buffer"? Ender IO conduits do have an internal buffer, which you can read with the Conduit Probe. That buffer is tracked across the entire set of conduits, and the size of that buffer is basically the transfer rate of each conduit times the number of that conduit in the network. So a set of 5 Stellar Energy Conduits would have a buffer of 10 billion RF, and would receive it at 2 billion RF/t from your energy sources.

Given that even a single Gargantuan Flux Storage only has a capacity of 1 billion RF, that suggests that even a single Stellar Energy Conduit could reasonably try and buffer your entire energy reserves if used carelessly.

TheHorro commented 8 months ago

I didnt know about the internal storage of the conduits. But I dont think they should draw all of my 10 Million RF/tick just into 1 conduit that has no other things connected to it... yes I was using a Flux Point without limit. I´m gonna try that out if I can fill the buffer of them. thanks for the hint