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Create Datapack doesn't get removed correctly when updating to 0.5.4 #379

Closed hvdklauw closed 4 years ago

hvdklauw commented 4 years ago

Modpack version 0.5.4

Issue Multiple recipes for Create Crushing for some ores:

Only the "bad" version for:

NielsPilgaard commented 4 years ago

Huh, that's surprising. I'll investigate - Thanks!

NielsPilgaard commented 4 years ago

I can't reproduce this issue, could you give me some details about your setup please? Singleplayer, server and logs would be helpful - both latest and crafttweaker logs, both found in the logs folder :)

hvdklauw commented 4 years ago

I'll have a look after breakfast. But a simple 'U' in JEI on the silent gem ores showed me multiple recipes and throwing the ores in gave me the ingots and nuggets. I think that recipe was always there for me, but as it's suboptimal I never used it.

I'll also give a new world a try, as this is a pretty old one.

hvdklauw commented 4 years ago

CurshingJei Input Output crafttweaker.log latest.log

This is all singleplayer btw :) As you see I did a test with input ores and the output.. seems the recipe picked is a bit random

NielsPilgaard commented 4 years ago

Would you mind checking if there's a create folder in your openloader/data folder? It would be nested pretty deep.

hvdklauw commented 4 years ago

Yes! Create_things

hvdklauw commented 4 years ago

Ahh I see that they got deleted in f8563463eda2d46b9ce94615236437f18d74b0b9, I guess GDLauncher doesn't handle things like that correctly.

NielsPilgaard commented 4 years ago

Thanks a lot for your help, I'll see if other people using GDLauncher have the same issue and file a bug report with them :)

hvdklauw commented 4 years ago

Yeah, removed those files and now it works!

Darkere commented 4 years ago

This is not unique to GD launcher. It should happen the same way for people using twitch as well.

hvdklauw commented 4 years ago

Maybe put empty json in the files instead?

NielsPilgaard commented 4 years ago

Damn, I guess I have to.

NielsPilgaard commented 4 years ago

But empty json files would most likely just invalidate the current recipes, so I would have to remake the ones from JAOPCA, unless there's a way to force-remove that folder ^^'

NielsPilgaard commented 4 years ago

Not much I can do but ask people to update to a new profile.