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BetterEnd Reforked causes the Biome IDs to get mismatched when upgrading from modpack versions pre-1.2.0 #4723

Open carbonatek opened 2 years ago

carbonatek commented 2 years ago

Modpack Version


Describe your issue.

When you copy over a save file from a pre-1.2.0 version of the modpack, it will cause the Biome IDs to get mismatched. This is due to the fact that BE Reforked adds the three following biomes:

"65": "betterendforge:umbra_valley",
"72": "betterendforge:end_cave",
"73": "betterendforge:jade_cave"

This is nothing harmful (probably) but it is still pretty annoying to get your Shrublands biome changed to a Seasonal Forest biome all of a sudden. Attachment is the two Biome ID fixer files. BiomeIdFixer112.txt BiomeIdFixer121.txt

Modified the BiomeIdFixer.json file in the save folder. Used the 1.1.2 version one, and just pasted

  "375": "betterendforge:umbra_valley",
  "376": "betterendforge:end_cave",
  "377": "betterendforge:jade_cave"

to the end of the file. Note that I do not see this as a permanent and safe solution, moreso as a temporary one. Just works.

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Have you modified the modpack?


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No response

Did the issue happen in singleplayer or on a server?


NielsPilgaard commented 2 years ago

Oh dear god no. BiomeIdFixer is supposed to fix that issue entirely πŸ˜…

Can anyone else confirm this?

theboo commented 2 years ago

Asking people on our servers now, and I'll look around this evening as well. They were updated earlier today

carbonatek commented 2 years ago

Interestingly enough, for some reason it doesn't happen in singleplayer now, and I tried pasting the old save into singleplayer like 4 times. So only the server is affected now. singleplayer

EDIT: Two days later I tried loading up the save and the issue happened again. Therefore the contents of this message are invalid.

jkirkpatrick commented 2 years ago

This occurred to my singleplayer world after upgrade to 1.2.1. My base was in one of the Savanna variants (I forget which), now it's a Frozen Marsh. Another nearby biome is now glowstone gardens - spawning Ghasts and Zombified piglins in the overworld.

NielsPilgaard commented 2 years ago

This occurred to my singleplayer world after upgrade to 1.2.1. My base was in one of the Savanna variants (I forget which), now it's a Frozen Marsh. Another nearby biome is now glowstone gardens - spawning Ghasts and Zombified piglins in the overworld.

Thanks for the input. How did you update the pack? :)

jkirkpatrick commented 2 years ago

Download with MultiMC5, do an initial launch with correct Java Args, quit the app, then copy the saves directory.

NielsPilgaard commented 2 years ago

Does your save have a biomeidfixer folder, and if yes, would you mind pasting the contents of the .json file here? Also, I recommend you update the following folders, instead of moving the saves folder to the new instance:

jkirkpatrick commented 2 years ago

{ "0": "minecraft:ocean", "1": "minecraft:plains", "2": "minecraft:desert", "3": "minecraft:mountains", "4": "minecraft:forest", "5": "minecraft:taiga", "6": "minecraft:swamp", "7": "minecraft:river", "8": "minecraft:nether_wastes", "9": "minecraft:the_end", "10": "minecraft:frozen_ocean", "11": "minecraft:frozen_river", "12": "minecraft:snowy_tundra", "13": "minecraft:snowy_mountains", "14": "minecraft:mushroom_fields", "15": "minecraft:mushroom_field_shore", "16": "minecraft:beach", "17": "minecraft:desert_hills", "18": "minecraft:wooded_hills", "19": "minecraft:taiga_hills", "20": "minecraft:mountain_edge", "21": "minecraft:jungle", "22": "minecraft:jungle_hills", "23": "minecraft:jungle_edge", "24": "minecraft:deep_ocean", "25": "minecraft:stone_shore", "26": "minecraft:snowy_beach", "27": "minecraft:birch_forest", "28": "minecraft:birch_forest_hills", "29": "minecraft:dark_forest", "30": "minecraft:snowy_taiga", "31": "minecraft:snowy_taiga_hills", "32": "minecraft:giant_tree_taiga", "33": "minecraft:giant_tree_taiga_hills", "34": "minecraft:wooded_mountains", "35": "minecraft:savanna", "36": "minecraft:savanna_plateau", "37": "minecraft:badlands", "38": "minecraft:wooded_badlands_plateau", "39": "minecraft:badlands_plateau", "40": "minecraft:small_end_islands", "41": "minecraft:end_midlands", "42": "minecraft:end_highlands", "43": "minecraft:end_barrens", "44": "minecraft:warm_ocean", "45": "minecraft:lukewarm_ocean", "46": "minecraft:cold_ocean", "47": "minecraft:deep_warm_ocean", "48": "minecraft:deep_lukewarm_ocean", "49": "minecraft:deep_cold_ocean", "50": "minecraft:deep_frozen_ocean", "51": "betterendforge:megalake", "52": "betterendforge:crystal_mountains", "53": "betterendforge:foggy_mushroomland", "54": "betterendforge:dust_wastelands", "55": "betterendforge:chorus_forest", "56": "betterendforge:shadow_forest", "57": "betterendforge:blossoming_spires", "58": "betterendforge:sulphur_springs", "59": "betterendforge:amber_land", "60": "betterendforge:umbrella_jungle", "61": "betterendforge:glowing_grasslands", "62": "betterendforge:dragon_graveyards", "63": "betterendforge:lantern_woods", "64": "betterendforge:dry_shrubland", "65": "betterendforge:umbra_valley", "66": "betterendforge:ice_starfield", "67": "betterendforge:empty_end_cave", "68": "betterendforge:empty_smaragdant_cave", "69": "betterendforge:lush_smaragdant_cave", "70": "betterendforge:empty_aurora_cave", "71": "betterendforge:lush_aurora_cave", "72": "betterendforge:end_cave", "73": "betterendforge:jade_cave", "74": "betterendforge:megalake_grove", "75": "betterendforge:painted_mountains", "76": "betterendforge:neon_oasis", "77": "mythicbotany:alfheim_plains", "78": "mythicbotany:alfheim_hills", "79": "mythicbotany:dreamwood_forest", "80": "mythicbotany:golden_fields", "81": "mythicbotany:alfheim_lakes", "82": "integrateddynamics:meneglin", "83": "byg:allium_fields", "84": "byg:alps", "85": "byg:amaranth_fields", "86": "byg:ancient_forest", "87": "byg:aspen_forest", "88": "byg:autumnal_valley", "89": "byg:baobab_savanna", "90": "byg:bayou", "91": "byg:blue_taiga", "92": "byg:bluff_steeps", "93": "byg:boreal_forest", "94": "byg:cold_swamplands", "95": "byg:crag_gardens", "96": "byg:cika_woods", "97": "byg:cherry_blossom_forest", "98": "byg:redwood_tropics", "99": "byg:coniferous_forest", "100": "byg:cypress_swamplands", "101": "byg:dover_mountains", "102": "byg:dead_sea", "103": "byg:deciduous_forest", "104": "byg:dunes", "105": "byg:ebony_woods", "106": "byg:enchanted_forest", "107": "byg:evergreen_taiga", "108": "byg:glowshroom_bayou", "109": "byg:grassland_plateau", "110": "byg:great_lakes", "111": "byg:grove", "112": "byg:enchanted_grove", "113": "byg:guiana_shield", "114": "byg:jacaranda_forest", "115": "byg:mangrove_marshes", "116": "byg:maple_taiga", "117": "byg:meadow", "118": "byg:mojave_desert", "119": "byg:lush_tundra", "120": "byg:orchard", "121": "byg:prairie", "122": "byg:red_desert", "123": "byg:red_desert_dunes", "124": "byg:red_oak_forest", "125": "byg:red_rock_mountains", "126": "byg:seasonal_birch_forest", "127": "minecraft:the_void", "128": "byg:seasonal_deciduous_forest", "129": "minecraft:sunflower_plains", "130": "minecraft:desert_lakes", "131": "minecraft:gravelly_mountains", "132": "minecraft:flower_forest", "133": "minecraft:taiga_mountains", "134": "minecraft:swamp_hills", "135": "byg:seasonal_forest", "136": "byg:seasonal_taiga", "137": "byg:shattered_glacier", "138": "byg:shrublands", "139": "byg:skyris_highlands", "140": "minecraft:ice_spikes", "141": "byg:snowy_blue_taiga", "142": "byg:snowy_coniferous_forest", "143": "byg:snowy_deciduous_forest", "144": "byg:snowy_evergreen_taiga", "145": "byg:the_black_forest", "146": "byg:tropical_fungal_forest", "147": "byg:tropical_rainforest", "148": "byg:vibrant_swamplands", "149": "minecraft:modified_jungle", "150": "byg:sierra_valley", "151": "minecraft:modified_jungle_edge", "152": "byg:weeping_witch_forest", "153": "byg:woodlands", "154": "byg:zelkova_forest", "155": "minecraft:tall_birch_forest", "156": "minecraft:tall_birch_hills", "157": "minecraft:dark_forest_hills", "158": "minecraft:snowy_taiga_mountains", "159": "byg:redwood_clearing", "160": "minecraft:giant_spruce_taiga", "161": "minecraft:giant_spruce_taiga_hills", "162": "minecraft:modified_gravelly_mountains", "163": "minecraft:shattered_savanna", "164": "minecraft:shattered_savanna_plateau", "165": "minecraft:eroded_badlands", "166": "minecraft:modified_wooded_badlands_plateau", "167": "minecraft:modified_badlands_plateau", "168": "minecraft:bamboo_jungle", "169": "minecraft:bamboo_jungle_hills", "170": "minecraft:soul_sand_valley", "171": "minecraft:crimson_forest", "172": "minecraft:warped_forest", "173": "minecraft:basalt_deltas", "174": "byg:redwood_mountains", "175": "byg:coral_mangroves", "176": "byg:cika_mountains", "177": "byg:glowing_ancient_forest", "178": "byg:flowering_ancient_forest", "179": "byg:snowy_evergreen_clearing", "180": "byg:snowy_evergreen_hills", "181": "byg:enchanted_forest_hills", "182": "byg:ebony_hills", "183": "byg:evergreen_clearing", "184": "byg:evergreen_hills", "185": "byg:fungal_patch", "186": "byg:weeping_witch_clearing", "187": "byg:pumpkin_forest", "188": "byg:bamboo_forest", "189": "byg:cherry_blossom_clearing", "190": "byg:coniferous_clearing", "191": "byg:zelkova_clearing", "192": "byg:aspen_clearing", "193": "byg:boreal_clearing", "194": "byg:deciduous_clearing", "195": "byg:seasonal_deciduous_clearing", "196": "byg:guiana_clearing", "197": "byg:jacaranda_clearing", "198": "byg:snowy_coniferous_clearing", "199": "byg:snowy_deciduous_clearing", "200": "byg:maple_hills", "201": "byg:black_forest_clearing", "202": "byg:black_forest_hills", "203": "byg:forest_fault", "204": "byg:flowering_grove", "205": "byg:flowering_enchanted_grove", "206": "byg:northern_forest", "207": "byg:lush_red_desert", "208": "byg:sierra_range", "209": "byg:alpine_foothills", "210": "byg:aspen_forest_hills", "211": "byg:blue_taiga_hills", "212": "byg:blue_giant_taiga", "213": "byg:bluff_peaks", "214": "byg:boreal_forest_hills", "215": "byg:bog", "216": "byg:deciduous_forest_hills", "217": "byg:coniferous_forest_hills", "218": "byg:fresh_water_lake", "219": "byg:frozen_lake", "220": "byg:great_lake_isles", "221": "byg:jacaranda_forest_hills", "222": "byg:marshlands", "223": "byg:oasis", "224": "byg:polluted_lake", "225": "byg:prairie_clearing", "226": "byg:red_oak_forest_hills", "227": "byg:red_rock_lowlands", "228": "byg:red_rock_highlands", "229": "byg:wooded_red_rock_mountains", "230": "byg:seasonal_birch_forest_hills", "231": "byg:seasonal_deciduous_forest_hills", "232": "byg:seasonal_forest_hills", "233": "byg:seasonal_giant_taiga", "234": "byg:seasonal_taiga_hills", "235": "byg:snowy_blue_giant_taiga", "236": "byg:snowy_blue_taiga_hills", "237": "byg:snowy_coniferous_forest_hills", "238": "byg:snowy_deciduous_forest_hills", "239": "byg:tropical_fungal_rainforest_hills", "240": "byg:tropical_rainforest_hills", "241": "byg:wooded_grassland_plateau", "242": "byg:zelkova_forest_hills", "243": "byg:flowering_meadow", "244": "byg:wooded_meadow", "245": "byg:rocky_beach", "246": "byg:snowy_rocky_black_beach", "247": "byg:snowy_black_beach", "248": "byg:white_beach", "249": "byg:rainbow_beach", "250": "byg:tropical_islands", "251": "byg:warped_desert", "252": "byg:sythian_torrids", "253": "byg:glowstone_gardens", "254": "byg:embur_bog", "255": "byg:ivis_fields", "256": "byg:araucaria_savanna", "257": "byg:rose_fields", "258": "byg:stone_forest", "259": "byg:twilight_valley", "260": "byg:basalt_barrera", "261": "byg:canyon_edge", "262": "byg:araucaria_forest", "263": "byg:pointed_stone_forest", "264": "byg:twilight_valley_hills", "265": "byg:red_spruce_taiga", "266": "byg:brimstone_caverns", "267": "byg:crimson_gardens", "268": "byg:magma_wastes", "269": "byg:subzero_hypogeal", "270": "byg:wailing_garth", "271": "byg:withering_woods", "272": "byg:weeping_mire", "273": "byg:quartz_desert", "274": "byg:nightshade_forest", "275": "byg:ethereal_islands", "276": "byg:viscal_isles", "277": "byg:bulbis_gardens", "278": "byg:shattered_desert", "279": "byg:shulkren_forest", "280": "byg:purpur_peaks", "281": "byg:cryptic_wastes", "282": "byg:canyons", "283": "byg:shattered_viscal_isles", "284": "byg:bulbis_gardens_edge", "285": "byg:ethereal_forest", "286": "byg:ethereal_clearing", "287": "byg:shattered_desert_isles", "288": "byg:imparius_grove", "289": "byg:imparius_clearing", "290": "byg:skyris_highlands_clearing", "291": "byg:skyris_peaks", "292": "byg:skyris_steeps", "293": "byg:guiana_springs", "294": "byg:dummy", "295": "terraforged:bryce", "296": "terraforged:cold_steppe", "297": "terraforged:cold_marshland", "298": "terraforged:fir_forest", "299": "terraforged:flower_plains", "300": "terraforged:frozen_lake", "301": "terraforged:frozen_marsh", "302": "terraforged:lake", "303": "terraforged:marshland", "304": "terraforged:savanna_scrub", "305": "terraforged:shattered_savanna_scrub", "306": "terraforged:snowy_fir_forest", "307": "terraforged:snowy_taiga_scrub", "308": "terraforged:steppe", "309": "terraforged:stone_forest", "310": "terraforged:taiga_scrub", "311": "terraforged:warm_beach", "312": "atum:dead_oasis", "313": "atum:dense_woods", "314": "atum:sparse_woods", "315": "atum:dried_river", "316": "atum:limestone_crags", "317": "atum:limestone_mountains", "318": "atum:oasis", "319": "atum:sand_dunes", "320": "atum:sand_hills", "321": "atum:sand_plains", "322": "projectvibrantjourneys:overgrown_spires", "323": "projectvibrantjourneys:verdant_sands", "324": "projectvibrantjourneys:redwoods", "325": "projectvibrantjourneys:redwood_peaks", "326": "projectvibrantjourneys:snowy_redwoods", "327": "projectvibrantjourneys:boreal_forest", "328": "projectvibrantjourneys:snowy_boreal_forest", "329": "projectvibrantjourneys:alpine_heights", "330": "projectvibrantjourneys:pine_meadows", "331": "projectvibrantjourneys:boreal_plateau", "332": "projectvibrantjourneys:aspen_grove", "333": "projectvibrantjourneys:aspen_grove_hills", "334": "projectvibrantjourneys:mangrove_marsh", "335": "projectvibrantjourneys:willow_wetlands", "336": "projectvibrantjourneys:baobab_fields", "337": "projectvibrantjourneys:prairie", "338": "projectvibrantjourneys:blossoming_fields", "339": "projectvibrantjourneys:autumnal_coniferous_forest", "340": "projectvibrantjourneys:gravel_shore", "341": "projectvibrantjourneys:crimson_thicket", "342": "projectvibrantjourneys:desert_shrubland", "343": "projectvibrantjourneys:red_rock_valley", "344": "projectvibrantjourneys:tropical_beach", "345": "projectvibrantjourneys:crystal_lakes", "346": "projectvibrantjourneys:windswept_cliffs", "347": "ars_nouveau:archwood_forest", "348": "undergarden:barren_abyss", "349": "undergarden:dense_forest", "350": "undergarden:forgotten_field", "351": "undergarden:frostfields", "352": "undergarden:gronglegrowth", "353": "undergarden:mushroom_bog", "354": "undergarden:smogstem_forest", "355": "undergarden:smog_spires", "356": "undergarden:wigglewood_forest", "357": "environmental:marsh", "358": "environmental:mushroom_marsh", "359": "environmental:blossom_woods", "360": "environmental:blossom_hills", "361": "environmental:blossom_highlands", "362": "environmental:blossom_valleys", "363": "atmospheric:rainforest", "364": "atmospheric:rainforest_mountains", "365": "atmospheric:rainforest_plateau", "366": "atmospheric:sparse_rainforest_plateau", "367": "atmospheric:rainforest_basin", "368": "atmospheric:sparse_rainforest_basin", "369": "atmospheric:dunes", "370": "atmospheric:dunes_hills", "371": "atmospheric:flourishing_dunes", "372": "atmospheric:rocky_dunes", "373": "atmospheric:rocky_dunes_hills", "374": "atmospheric:petrified_dunes", "375": "atmospheric:hot_springs", "376": "ars_nouveau:blazing_archwood_forest", "377": "bloodmagic:none" }

jkirkpatrick commented 2 years ago

Does your save have a biomeidfixer folder, and if yes, would you mind pasting the contents of the .json file here? Also, I recommend you update the following folders, instead of moving the saves folder to the new instance:


Thanks. All those directories you list and several others were created with the new instance - the saves directory that I copy between versions only contains the world. It is the same technique I've used with several modpacks, including E2E and E6. All it requires is a journeymap rebuild once the version is updated. Screenshot from 2022-04-30 01-06-25

carbonatek commented 2 years ago

Thanks. All those directories you list and several others were created with the new instance - the saves directory that I copy between versions only contains the world. It is the same technique I've used with several modpacks, including E2E and E6. All it requires is a journeymap rebuild once the version is updated. Screenshot from 2022-04-30 01-06-25

If you want a temporary fix for the time being try out replacing the BiomeIdFixer.json file with the one I provided in the attachment below; as far as I am aware, this should reverse the biomes back to their intended order (due to the bug, 301, Savanna Scrub, was changed to Frozen Marsh, which I was easily able to find in the files when I was comparing them.) BiomeIdFixer.txt

NielsPilgaard commented 2 years ago

Nice fix @carbonatek, I was just about to propose that πŸ‘Œ

When I'm back at my laptop I'll write a short guide for applying the fix, for anyone finding this issue.

jkirkpatrick commented 2 years ago

Fix applied and worked flawless @carbonatek, Thank you for saving the world.

BTW, what is the easiest way to melt all the ground snow that appeared during a rain while I was experiencing a bug?

NielsPilgaard commented 2 years ago

Edit: Please disregard this fix, I misunderstood the problem. Keeping it here for the sake of traceability πŸ˜„

Instructions for fixing biomes shifting as a result of adding BetterEnd Reforked

First, exit your world if you're in it.

1) Go into your world folder, and open the biomeidfixer folder. 2) Open the BiomeIdFixer.json file, with something like Notepad. 3) Go to the second last line of the file, and make a note of the number there, you'll need it in a bit. image

4) Add the following entries to the file, between the last and second last line. The numbers should be the number from step 3) plus 1/2/3:


5) Save the file and you're done!

carbonatek commented 2 years ago

Fix applied and worked flawless @carbonatek, Thank you for saving the world.

BTW, what is the easiest way to melt all the ground snow that appeared during a rain while I was experiencing a bug?

I'd guess either letting it rain again (since rain, as far as I am aware, melts snow) or removing it manually by using torches/floodlights on the area.

Instructions for fixing biomes shifting as a result of adding BetterEnd Reforked

First, exit your world if you're in it.

1. Go into your world folder, and open the `biomeidfixer` folder.

2. Open the `BiomeIdFixer.json` file, with something like Notepad.

3. Go to the second last line of the file, and make a note of the number there, you'll need it in a bit.


4. Add the following entries to the file, between the last and second last line. The numbers should be the number from step `3)` plus 1/2/3:


5. Save the file and you're done!

I am unsure whether this would work or not though. Maybe I am just uneducated on BiomeIDFixer, however, I'd assume that it would remove the entries 375, 376, and 377, because they are already present in the file (65, 72, 73) higher in the order.

The problem if that were the truth? The problem would still remain. All entries under the entry no. 65 got offset by 1, and all other entries under no. 72 & 73 got offset another 2 entries, causing the problem. What I did in my fix was that I copied the file from before I merged my save to 1.2.1, and just added the three biomes on the bottom after tracking them down in the new file generated by loading the 1.1.2 world on 1.2.1.

If this is not how it works, excuse my lack of expertise with the works that BiomeIDFixer does.

NielsPilgaard commented 2 years ago

Oh, I had misunderstood what went wrong then ^^'

so BiomeIdFixer placed new biomes in the place of existing ones, shifting the list... That's the exact issue BiomeIdFixer was made to combat, what the actual f πŸ˜„

Which OS are you two on?

carbonatek commented 2 years ago

Which OS are you two on?

I am on Arch Linux, although I can reproduce it on other Linux distributions (tried Fedora, and Manjaro). Maybe I could try spinning up a Windows virtual machine to try it out there? :thinking:

NielsPilgaard commented 2 years ago

That would be very helpful, BiomeIdFixer has behaved differently on Unix systems in the past.

theboo commented 2 years ago

Just had someone on the discord report the issue... They are using windows, but also use multiMC and updated by making a whole new instance and moving files over(this is the standard for people using multiMC)

Have not noticed any biomeID shift on any of our servers and didnt get any reports after asking people to look for it.

Edit: i had the user replace their .json with the one carbonatek posted and it seems to have fixed their issues.

jkirkpatrick commented 2 years ago

I am on Linux/Ubuntu 20.04 HWE w/ NVidia drivers + MultiMC

5.13.0-40-generic #45~20.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Mon Apr 4 09:38:31 UTC 2022 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

MultiMC 0.6.15-3244 lin64 stable

openjdk version "1.8.0_312" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_312-8u312-b07-0ubuntu1~20.04-b07) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.312-b07, mixed mode)

NielsPilgaard commented 2 years ago

Well shit, seems to be all operating systems then, just only happens to a few. I guess we can just manually fix it for the few who encounter it :)