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Tag error when joining world causing invalid player data #544

Closed SeooY closed 9 months ago

SeooY commented 10 months ago

Modpack Version


Describe your issue.

Currently play-testing E9E, so I'm constantly updated to the develop branch. At random, when trying to join my world, a Tag error will be thrown in console. This disconnects me from the "Server" (even though it's a Single Player world), throws me into the Multiplayer Server view, and occasionally leaves the world in a locked state so I'm forced to restart the game to retry joining.

It has happened to me 3 times in the last 5 days or so, so it doesn't always happen, and trying again makes it go away.

I've uploaded the full latest log, which includes the error.

Crash Report

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Have you modified the modpack?


User Modifications

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Did the issue happen in singleplayer or on a server?


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NielsPilgaard commented 10 months ago

Thank you for the report, we will investigate the issue.

Darkere commented 10 months ago

@Klikli-dev The error mentions modonomicon. Any idea if this could be something you are doing or is this (which I think is more likely) some Kubejs fuckery causing issues.

klikli-dev commented 10 months ago

@Darkere so it seems modonomicon is the one throwing the error but I think not causing it. "Caused by: com.mojang.brigadier.exceptions.CommandSyntaxException: Unknown block tag 'enigmatica:heartwoods/stage_3' at position 0:"

It looks like you have a modonomicon multiblock somewhere in the pack or one of the mods that uses that tag, but the tag does not exist?

EDIT: modonomicon uses the vanilla command system to parse blockstate info from the multiblocks, hence that command exception. Generally speaking I could make modonomicon swallow that exception to avoid the crash, but it should consistently happen during pack dev and might be better to keep throwing it to know something is wrong? Happy to work with your feedback on how to best approach this :) [if the missing tag is even the real issue]

MuteTiefling commented 10 months ago

The tag is sometimes randomly missing due to a bug in kubejs that causes our tag scripts to fail.

I'd personally prefer if it didn't crash out modonomicon because it's a shining thing to fix they missing tag once in game (just run a reload)

klikli-dev commented 10 months ago

The tag is sometimes randomly missing due to a bug in kubejs that causes our tag scripts to fail.

I'd personally prefer if it didn't crash out modonomicon because it's a shining thing to fix they missing tag once in game (just run a reload)

fair enough! so I will just log an error without throwing an exception, and will use a custom bedrock tag as placeholder (because the whole process needs a tag)

klikli-dev commented 10 months ago

The latest versions of 1.19.2 and 1.20.1 now have this change - please let me know if it doesn't work because I can't repro the issue on my end so I could not test the behaviour

MuteTiefling commented 10 months ago

Awesome, thanks Klikli! You're the best :D

MuteTiefling commented 9 months ago

This was included in the 1.10 release