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Add Compressed Creativity for integration between Create and PneumaticCraft #941

Closed pollyzoid closed 20 hours ago

pollyzoid commented 1 month ago


Compressed Creativity

Why would you like the mod added?

Adding interactions between Create & PC:R would be nice, as they're both unconventional tech mods (in that they don't use FE) and (vaguely) thematically fitting together.

NielsPilgaard commented 1 month ago

Looks interesting, but it might be a too big change to introduce at this point 🤔 Thoughts @MuteTiefling?

MuteTiefling commented 1 month ago

Could probably work it in without too much issue. It only has a handful of blocks that would need to be added to quests.

I'd need some time though or its default recipes would gate it to the point of uselessness in Expert.

NielsPilgaard commented 1 month ago

But is it an addition that you would actually like? :D

MuteTiefling commented 1 month ago


NielsPilgaard commented 1 month ago

Alright, I'm in 😄 I'll add it in-dev