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Add BYG Grasses to Nature's Aura Plant Boost Blacklist #960

Closed MelodyCube closed 21 hours ago

MelodyCube commented 3 weeks ago

Describe your suggestion

Nature's Aura adds an effect that automatically fertilizes plants in high aura areas in overworld-type aura dimensions. Since BYG grass blocks are not automatically blacklisted, tall grass perpetually spawns on those blocks in these areas (The most prominent of course being the Tree of Life). If one were to add "byg:lush_grass_block", "byg:overgrown_dacite", "byg:overgrown_stone", "byg:overgrown_netherrack" to plantBoostExceptions in the naturesaura-common.toml config file, it should fix stuff like this:

aura grass TOL

(The netherrack entry doesn't matter much, but it's also very little effort just to toss in in case someone wanted to silk touch overgrown netherrack and bring it to their TF/OW base and not have it sprout plants all the time)

Why would you like this added/changed?

do not want to keep having to remove tall grass from my tree of life lol