EnigmaticaModpacks / Enigmatica9

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(re-add) Create: Steam & Rails addon #963

Open Lgmrszd opened 1 week ago

Lgmrszd commented 1 week ago



Why would you like the mod added?

This mod was already added as per this suggestion, but got later removed due to a bug causing crash at startup and delays of pushing a bugfix version. That bug is long fixed, so I see no reason to not add it back. I added mod myself on the dev branch and re-enabled recipe script, everything seems to work. Although, since then there were new items and blocks added so they would require additional tweaking.

Lgmrszd commented 1 week ago

Stuff not working in the current script:

These are default wide and narrow recipes: _railways_sequenced_assembly_track_twilightforest_minewood_wide


MuteTiefling commented 1 week ago

I'd need to review the mod again before I'm ok with adding it back. If I recall, the big draw was the ability to disconnect trains automatically, but I haven't seen a single player bother with Create trains for anything either.

Lgmrszd commented 1 week ago

Latest versions added some decor stuff like boilers, as well as train stopper that can be moved and a handcar, that can be picked up as an item and driven by a player, but doesn't work with stations, which is IMO very useful if you just wanna hop on a train track quickly. (Edit: there more stuff, I just listed what I could recall from memory, just to be clear)

(If this ends up not being added, you could add default recipes via kubejs (with a check if the mod is loaded). This way, those who want to play with the mod can install it and get custom recipes on expert mode!)

MuteTiefling commented 1 week ago

I don't know. Seems like a lot to re-integrate at this point. Our old scripts don't cover all the new stuff.

Mechanical crafting doesn't exist in expert, so all those recipes need to be re-designed. Brass isn't a material, so all those blocks need to be renamed, etc.

And all that to support additions to a train system people barely use. It's a neat mod, for sure, but at this stage this is a big addition.

Lgmrszd commented 1 week ago

I reworked the script to include new track types: https://github.com/EnigmaticaModpacks/Enigmatica9/pull/964 There's other stuff left but I'll get to it on these weekends.

I understand if the mod itself won't end up in the pack, though, keeping everything up to date takes time away and just makes maintaining more difficult. I made it so the script only works when required mod is present (Platform.isLoaded is very useful!). Still, if you decide that maintaining scripts for "optional" mods is too much of the hustle, that is understandable.

Maybe it is possible to have a list of community scripts so that people could just drop those in the pack if they want :thinking: