EnlightenedPerlOrganisation / task-kensho

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Add Future to Async category #53

Closed Grinnz closed 3 years ago

Grinnz commented 5 years ago

Future is a great eventloop-independent tool for async programming.

simcop2387 commented 5 years ago

I'd also say once it's more mature and trusted by developers and it's author, Future::AsyncAwait definitely belongs here too.

zakame commented 5 years ago

Future plus IO::Async indeed! @leonerd++

leonerd commented 5 years ago

I'd hold off on the IO::Async part quite yet; I'm still working on Future::IO which might end up being a better abstraction API for "small modules" - the sorts of things that want to mostly just be self-contained synchronous stuff but leave open the option of being async and concurrent with other stuff if the end-user wishes, but the module author isn't forced into.

karenetheridge commented 3 years ago

fixed with #72.