EnlighterJS / Plugin.WordPress

:package: Official WordPress Plugin of EnlighterJS
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Highlighting the whole line? #213

Closed ajtruckle closed 4 years ago

ajtruckle commented 4 years ago

Is it possible to highlight the whole line out of interest?


Fantastic plugin. 😉

AndiDittrich commented 4 years ago

of course, just look into the sources and add some css

ajtruckle commented 4 years ago

Sorted it. :)

.EnlighterJS .specialline {
    background-color: yellow !important;



ajtruckle commented 4 years ago

Just an observation. If I scroll left and / or drag left with a touchscreen the highlight is not done:


Here is an example with highlighting showing the issue when you scroll.

AndiDittrich commented 4 years ago

see https://github.com/EnlighterJS/Plugin.WordPress/issues/31

fixed in EnlighterJS v3

ajtruckle commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the link. I had seen that issue but it doesn't make sense to me. In that discussion they are taking about V3 supporting word-wrap or scroll (like the existing WordPress Plugin I am using already does.

So I am not sure how that discussion relates to getting the line to continue rendering the background colour as one scrolls or drags to the right. But I take your word for it.

As you already know I have reverted to the current release version as I could not get V4 to work for bbPress. I will try again on my staging.

ajtruckle commented 4 years ago

I confirm that the v4 beta doesn't seem to work right with bbPress so I am sticking with v2 of your plugin and will live with the background colour issue until such a time as v4 beta is tested as functioning with latest bbPress plugin.

Thanks for your help so far.