EnlighterJS / Plugin.WordPress

:package: Official WordPress Plugin of EnlighterJS
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Code alignment error on RTL pages #231

Closed TheLordOfTheKings closed 4 years ago

TheLordOfTheKings commented 4 years ago

Hi Devs, There are huge problems where my codes get right alignment on RTL pages! but for me codes must be always be aligned at the left side of the block! also line numbers are missing! Please consider below image, as you can see codes are aligned at right, linenumbers are missing and overall it's completely deformed! I'm using latest stable build from Wordpress repository inside classic TinyMCE editor.


AndiDittrich commented 4 years ago

Hi @arash88 ,

the missing line numbering is caused by your theme styles which are overriding the EnlighterJS styles. you have to modify the css rules to enforce the line numbering (there is no generic solution available).

to enforce ltr just use the following css rule:

    text-align: left !important;
    direction: ltr !important;

the ltr enforcement has been added to EnlighterJS v3 as default

btw. EnlighterJS has not been tested with rtl languages because i'm not familiar with the grammar

another solution for you issue: use Enlighter v4-beta1