Ennova-IT / ZeRXconf

This library is our implementation of ZeroConf for Android, using native Android API and JmDNS
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Attributes are empty #1

Closed falmanna closed 8 years ago

falmanna commented 8 years ago

Hello, I am facing tow problems while using discovery service, 1- The attributes of a DNS service I am receiving are always empty, 2- I am not able to discover a service that has a '-' in its protocol when I do this I am receiving error with message "Formate specifier: s"

tiwiz commented 8 years ago


I'm not sure that "-" is an allowed character in the ZeroConf draft. For what concerns the attributes, can you tell us how you are creating the service and if you see correctly the attributes with some other Bonjour-enabled softwares?


falmanna commented 8 years ago

For the '-' character, if you check the registered services here http://www.iana.org/assignments/service-names-port-numbers/service-names-port-numbers.xml, you can find many contains this character '-', so I think it is allowed.

For the attributes, I am using the following: subscription = ZeRXconf.startDiscovery(context, "_http._tcp.").subscribe(onNext, onError);

and in onNext I am trying to get the attributes map serviceInfo.getAttributes() but it is always empty, knowing that other methods are returning values, such as getAddress(), getServiceLayer().

tiwiz commented 8 years ago

OK, Let's try to narrow down the issue, so we can see where to fix it ;-)

If you use Bonjour Browser, do you find the service and see the attributes? Can you send a screenshot of it?


falmanna commented 8 years ago

Yes sure, I am using it to check the services, here is a screenshot


You can see that there are three attributes, and here is the log from my app: Code:

Log.v(TAG,"getAttributes "+ new Gson().toJson(serviceInfo.getAttributes().entrySet()));
            for (Map.Entry entry: serviceInfo.getAttributes().entrySet()) {
                Log.v(TAG, new Gson().toJson("getKey "+ entry.getKey()));
                Log.v(TAG, new Gson().toJson("getValue "+entry.getValue()));
            Log.v(TAG, new Gson().toJson("getServiceName "+serviceInfo.getServiceName()));


 V/AddDevicePresenter: getAttributes []
V/AddDevicePresenter: getServiceName omega
tiwiz commented 8 years ago

Are you on Android 5.1+, right?


falmanna commented 8 years ago

Yes, I am on 6.0.1

Thank you for your fast response.

tiwiz commented 8 years ago

That is really strange... can you share the service data, so we can investigate :-)

falmanna commented 8 years ago

It is there in the screenshot

tiwiz commented 8 years ago

The issue should be fixed as per version 1.0.3.

Please, use the startDiscovery(context, protocol, *needsTxtRecord = true*) method and it should work.

falmanna commented 8 years ago

Great! Thank you...

Was there an issue? If yes, can you tell me what is it?

tiwiz commented 8 years ago

Yup, there was an issue within Android native library not resolving TXT record properly. Switching to jmDNS when needed is a temporary solution, but it should do until they fix the SDK itself :-)

falmanna commented 8 years ago

Awesome, what about the - character? is it now fixed also?

tiwiz commented 8 years ago

Yup, that should be fixed as well, the whole routine now uses jmDNS

falmanna commented 8 years ago

Friend, I tested it in my app, this time while true it is not showing any results. I also tested your sample app, it is not showing any results, if I changed the value to false it works as before! Did you test it?

tiwiz commented 8 years ago

Yup, I tested with a NodeJS script setting a txtRecord and it was showing the data correctly.

var mdns = require('mdns')

var txtRecord = { name: 'omega',
ID: '1234test',
path: '/',
board: 'omega',
"Address IPv6": 'fe80::42a3::6bff::fec1::253c::80'

ad = mdns.createAdvertisement(mdns.tcp('http'), 4321, {txtRecord: txtRecord})

How are you creating the service itself?

falmanna commented 8 years ago

Looks like it is only discovering services created by your app, I created one with your app and it worked, but it is not showing other services. I think it is something related to the service naming, because it is logging getServiceLayer _http._tcp.local. while true, and getServiceLayer ._http._tcp while false

tiwiz commented 8 years ago

When it is false, it's using the normal Android API, so it does need the local. suffix, while with true it needs it as it is needed by the jmDNS library. I tested it again and it's showing properly the service created with the NodeJS script (see attached screenshots). How are you creating the service? :-)

screen shot 2016-05-23 at 13 16 37


falmanna commented 8 years ago

I am in a lab full of devices, and the omega services that I am referring to is created using Avahi.
I attached 3 screenshots, tow from Bonjour app, and one from your sample app, see how your app is only discovering the service created by it while Bonjour discovered many services.




tiwiz commented 8 years ago

In this specific case, there is the filter (_http._tcp.) set. If you call the startDiscovery(context) without the protocol, it will list all the available services :-)

falmanna commented 8 years ago

The third screenshot is only showing _http._tcp. services in Bonjour app, there are 3 services, 2 printers, and your service, while in your sample there is only your service

tiwiz commented 8 years ago

This is really strange... I tried with also TeamViewer's protocol and it finds everything correctly... the Bonjour app and the sample are running on the same conditions, right?

screen shot 2016-05-23 at 13 38 18


falmanna commented 8 years ago

Yes, Both are running on my mobile. Try to create a services using avahi if you can.

Here I am trying to discover _ssh._tcp.

Bonjour App screenshot_20160523-144208

Your Sample App screenshot_20160523-144156

tiwiz commented 8 years ago

Aaaah, found the issue!

It loos like Avahi is not compatible with .local unicast zone, but that is needed by jmDNS (that library is quite old, unfortunately). Bonjour Browser, though, is based on Apple DNS, that has not this limitation (neither has Android-API, that's why if you switch to false, it works properly). I am implementing also the Apple library, but that is not as fast as tweaking the other 2 libraries, I'm sorry.

falmanna commented 8 years ago

Ummm, Thank you for your time and efforts :) Do you know what should I be using? looks like the Android API has this Attributes issue, and jmDNS has the .local issue! Do you think apple library works with all these cases?

tiwiz commented 8 years ago

Yup, it should work :-) You can try using the RxDNSSD library, if I recall correctly, it embeds the Apple one :-)

falmanna commented 8 years ago

Cool! Best wishes friend :)