Ennova-IT / ZeRXconf

This library is our implementation of ZeroConf for Android, using native Android API and JmDNS
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behavior on android 6 and 7 #8

Open yargeel opened 6 years ago

yargeel commented 6 years ago


Thank you for very useful lib. Could you, please, help me with such strange issue: i'm using the code from example for detection wifi radio player, and the code working well on most devices. But on some of them (in my case Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 on Android 7) my app can't detect that player.

For example, the same code on: 1) ZTE A510 on Android 6: fully working, my app can detect and control player. 2) Samsung Tab S2 on Android 7: not working, player is not detected and not visible (but when I using app "ZeroConf Browser" from Google Play - it can "see" my player).

Seems to be some strange issue in Android NSD, perhaps you can give some advice or workaround?