Enny1991 / PLSTM

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multiPLSTM and RNN doesn't parameterize the cell correctly #8

Closed aht closed 7 years ago

aht commented 7 years ago

multiPLSTM and RNN doesn't parameterize the cell correctly.

multiPLSTM basically hardcode to cell = PhasedLSTMCell(units_p_layer, use_peepholes=True, state_is_tuple=True) so the params such as r_on, tau_init cannot be passed in.

Also in simplePhasedLSTM.py, the RNN function always creates PLSTM cell, not LSTM or GRU. This means that the run flag is not used flags.DEFINE_string("unit", "PLSTM", "Can be PSLTM, LSTM, GRU").

I'm happy to contribute a fix.

Enny1991 commented 7 years ago

@aht Thanks for the tip. Now the function accepts a list of cells such that you can parameterize them.

    outputs = multiPLSTM(cells, inputs, lens, n_input, initial_states)

I deleted the flags for the units. For a unit test it does not make sense to have them. The code shows only PLSTM.


Enny1991 commented 7 years ago

solved, I close it