When i upload APP to Mac Appstore with Apploader, It shows:
ERROR ITMS-90240: "Unsupported Architectures. Your executable contained the following disallowed architectures: '[i386 (in com.face.faceface.pkg/Payload/faceface.app/Contents/Plugins/dlibfacelandmarkdetector.bundle/Contents/MacOS/dlibfacelandmarkdetector)]'. New apps submitted to the Mac App Store must support 64-bit starting January 2018, and Mac app updates and existing apps must support 64-bit starting June 2018."
And other file in "OpenCVForUnity\Plugins\macOS\opencvforunity.bundle\Contents\MacOS" are also i386.
Hi, When i upload APP to Mac Appstore with Apploader, It shows: ERROR ITMS-90240: "Unsupported Architectures. Your executable contained the following disallowed architectures: '[i386 (in com.face.faceface.pkg/Payload/faceface.app/Contents/Plugins/dlibfacelandmarkdetector.bundle/Contents/MacOS/dlibfacelandmarkdetector)]'. New apps submitted to the Mac App Store must support 64-bit starting January 2018, and Mac app updates and existing apps must support 64-bit starting June 2018."
And other file in "OpenCVForUnity\Plugins\macOS\opencvforunity.bundle\Contents\MacOS" are also i386.
Dlib FaceLandmark Detector version:v1.2.2
How can I solve this problem? Thank you!