EnoxSoftware / MarkerLessARExample

This asset is a Marker-Less Augmented Reality Example using the actual environment as input instead of printed square markers and display 3d model in WebCamTexture in real-time.
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WebGL - Android can't acces to back camera #7

Open pablopalma opened 5 years ago

pablopalma commented 5 years ago


I'm using the WebcamTextureMarklessARExample. When i run my WebGL scene through my Android device, i can't change my front camera to my back camera.

There's some common issue? Some solution?


EnoxSoftware commented 5 years ago

This issue may be related to the following issues. https://forum.unity.com/threads/device-camera-in-webgl.523253/

pablopalma commented 5 years ago

Yes , i tried build to development build but i got this error that i think it's referred with OpenCV error development build.txt

EnoxSoftware commented 4 years ago

Currently, it seems that build error occurs when development build is enabled on Unity 2018.2 or higher WebGL platform. It's under investigation.

pablopalma commented 4 years ago

I'm using 2019.1.x. So in 2018.1 or below should work the development build?

EnoxSoftware commented 4 years ago

Yes, if using Unity2018.1 or below, the development build will succeed without problems.

pablopalma commented 4 years ago

I'm having the following error:

error - still waiting on run dependencies: UnityLoader.js:1091:40 dependency: wasm-instantiate

This error occurs when i compile with development build and i check de pre-built option.

In the PC i can start my app, but in mobile crashes.

If i not check the pre-built option, the build fails with the emscripten py.

Some idea about this?

EnoxSoftware commented 4 years ago

Thank you very much for reporting.

Could you tell me about your test environment? OpenCVForUnity version : Unity version :

pablopalma commented 4 years ago

Unity 2018.1.9f2 OpenCV 2.3.6

pablopalma commented 4 years ago

Some news? i'm really complicated with deliver time, so if we can talk in some fludent way for quick responses, will great.

EnoxSoftware commented 4 years ago

Unity WebGL content is not currently supported on mobile devices. https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/webgl-browsercompatibility.html

The build succeeded without problems in my environment. Unity 2018.1.9f2 OpenCV 2.3.6 development build on use pre-built option on https://www.dropbox.com/s/o98pk6679ms9jvz/OpenCVForUnityWebGL_Unity2018.1.9f2.zip?dl=0

Also, Fixed the build error that occurred when development build was enabled on Unity 2018.2 or higher. https://www.dropbox.com/s/462xa2aayni7oeq/OpenCVForUnity_WebGLPlugin_DevelopmentBuild.unitypackage?dl=0