EnoxSoftware / OpenCVForUnity

OpenCV for Unity (Untiy Asset Plugin)
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Object detection and Color detection #165

Open Haseeb-Ali-Khan opened 1 year ago

Haseeb-Ali-Khan commented 1 year ago


I want to use object detection and color detection in the same scene. when I attach both scripts to the quad gameobject and make the necessary settings it doesn't work together, I was following a youtube video where he combined object detection and color detection. It was working fine in the video but when I do the same it does not work. moreover, can I train the model and add more classes for detection?

following is the error that I get when I try to combine both. I have tried color detection with all of the models but I get the same error.

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object OpenCVForUnityExample.DnnObjectDetectionWebCamTextureExample.OnWebCamTextureToMatHelperInitialized () (at Assets/OpenCVForUnity/Examples/MainModules/dnn/DnnObjectDetectionWebCamTextureExample.cs:228) UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall.Invoke () (at :0) UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent.Invoke () (at :0) OpenCVForUnity.UnityUtils.Helper.WebCamTextureToMatHelper+<_Initialize>d__68.MoveNext () (at Assets/OpenCVForUnity/org/opencv/unity/helper/WebCamTextureToMatHelper.cs:742) UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at :0) UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine(IEnumerator) OpenCVForUnity.UnityUtils.Helper.WebCamTextureToMatHelper:Initialize() (at Assets/OpenCVForUnity/org/opencv/unity/helper/WebCamTextureToMatHelper.cs:447) OpenCVForUnityExample.MultiObjectTrackingBasedOnColorExample:Start() (at Assets/OpenCVForUnity/Examples/Advanced/MultiObjectTrackingBasedOnColorExample/MultiObjectTrackingBasedOnColorExample.cs:82)

Thank You.

unity version: 2021.3.3 opencvforunity version: 2.5.4