Enraged-Rabbit-Community / ERCF_v2

Community designed ERCF v2
GNU General Public License v3.0
954 stars 92 forks source link

File management in ERF Cutter #62

Closed IRTrail closed 4 months ago

IRTrail commented 5 months ago

Working on updating the files in the ERF folder. I have been in contact with KinematicDigit and gsx8299 about this, and we think a pull request would be the easiest solution. I would suggest letting them review before merging.

I am not well versed in git, so please be patient with me and let me know if something should be changed before merging.


StalkFPV commented 5 months ago


and they should have a read me with the list of materials needed for the Project and also the number of pieces to print example for 4.

because I am French and frankly I have the complete file and I am totally lost because I don't even know which part exactly goes where and the number of parts to print.

so it would be great if the creator or someone from the community helps people who are lost or new

anyway great job

french :

et ils faudrait avoir un lisez moi avec la liste de matériel qui faut pour le Project et aussi le nombre de pièce a imprimer exemple pour 4 .

car moi je suis français et franchement j'ai dl le dossier complet et je suis totalement perdu car je c'est même pas quel pièce exactement qui va ou et le nombre de pièce a imprimer .

du coup cela serrait le top que le créateur ou une personne de la communauté aide les personne qui sont perdu ou nouvelle

en tout cas super boulots