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[Talent] Improved Devotion Aura partly not working #54

Open loneguardian opened 13 years ago

loneguardian commented 13 years ago

The "6% improved heals when ANY aura is active" is not working. Tested it with rejuvenation (constant heal).

6% heal is significant amount.

loneguardian commented 13 years ago

it's also interfering with the Tree of Life +6% healing aura. I know they are not supposed to stack but both effect somehow work in a weird way.

[Edit: I now no longer think that it's affecting the Tree of Life aura in a weird way, it's is just that Improved Devotion Aura completely negates the 6% healing buff]

loneguardian commented 13 years ago


let the standard heal (control) be: without improved devotion aura + without tree of life = 2.1k per tick without improved devotion aura + tree of life = 2.5k per tick (not only the 6% extra heal, but also the increased SP converted from spr) with improved devotion aura + without tree of life = 2.2k per tick (due to the increased 5% healing from Divinity) with improved devotion aura + with tree of life = 2.4k per tick (due to the increased SP only, the lesser amount shows that there's no 6% increased heal)

Note: If a person gains Tree of Life aura before gaining the Improved Devotion Aura talent (through respeccing) the 6% extra healing will be applied (with the Tree of Life buff icon). On the other hand, if Improved Devotion Aura talent is gained before the druid turns into tree form, both the icon and the 6% extra heal effect won't be applied.