Ensanity / Ensanity-BugTracker

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Ensanity Website and Server Down #85

Open ChaosShadow opened 12 years ago

ChaosShadow commented 12 years ago

Hey guys the server is down and so is the website but please dont give up hope on Ensanity, Vision wont allow the server to go down without a fight and @the noob that started this... FU man. I hope to see everyone back on server soon... Ensanity forever.


Lank commented 12 years ago

Hey ChaosShadow ;] i doubt people will give up i know i'll be checking back here and at Ensanity every day. See you back in game soon ;]

btw wtf happend?

ChaosShadow commented 12 years ago

i got no idea man, just couldnt log on one day >.> seriously annoying i wish the server would get back up already

Lankote commented 12 years ago

this isn't looking good ;[ still no news no website no server,maby it's down for good. it would be good if we could get some news good or bad.

ChaosShadow commented 12 years ago

If anyone is interested we found another server very similar, if not better than ensanity, we playing on http://heroic-wow.net/index.php the server is fully scripted and ICC Hc is unlocked as well as ruby sanctum and winter's grasp. currently the server had a low-mid population like ensanities, but we hope to boost it to waht ensanity used to be. If you interested swing by and say hi.