Ensembl / WiggleTools

Basic operations on the space of numerical functions defined on the genome using lazy evaluators for flexibility and efficiency
Apache License 2.0
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mergeApplyDirectory.py :: syntax error #72

Closed EricDeveaud closed 2 years ago

EricDeveaud commented 2 years ago


while running mergeApplyDirectory.py I have the following error:

rpm_maker:WiggleTools/WiggleTools-1.2.11 > mergeApplyDirectory.py -h
  File "/opt/gensoft/exe/WiggleTools/1.2.11/bin/mergeApplyDirectory.py", line 24
    if (re.call("sort -k1,1 -k2,2n -k3,3n -m %sx/* > %s" % (file, file), shell=True))
SyntaxError: invalid syntax



dzerbino commented 2 years ago

Dear @EricDeveaud ,

Apologies for the slow reply. I just pushed a fix to the script on master. Alas, the Python scripts have not been used for a long while, so I am not sure whether they are up to date at all.

Best regards,
