Ensembl / ensembl-vep

The Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor predicts the functional effects of genomic variants
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Nextflow Failing with Missing Output File #1665

Closed sharra44 closed 2 months ago

sharra44 commented 2 months ago

Describe the issue

Attempting to run vep with nextflow, running into output file error which terminates process.


Full VEP command line

nextflow run -resume -bg nextflow/workflows/run_vep.nf --vcf nextflow/testing.vcf.gz --skip_check 1 --vep_config /home/anno/ensembl-vep/nextflow/vep_config/vep.ini --output_prefix testing-output --outdir /home/anno/ensembl-vep

Full error message

ERROR ~ Error executing process > 'vep:runVEP (1)'

Caused by:
  Missing output file(s) `*.vcf.gz_summary.*` expected by process `vep:runVEP (1)`

Command executed:

  vep -i out.xaab.vcf.gz -o vep-testing-vep-out.xaab.vcf.gz --vcf --compress_output bgzip --format vcf --config vep.ini

  if [[ "tbi" == "tbi" ]]; then
    tabix -p vcf vep-testing-vep-out.xaab.vcf.gz
    tabix -C -p vcf vep-testing-vep-out.xaab.vcf.gz

Command exit status:

Data files (if applicable)

Input file is a small section of a vcf (around 20,000 lines). Running command from ensembl-vep folder. Output file does not seem to be generated

likhitha-surapaneni commented 2 months ago

Hi @sharra44 ,

Sorry to hear that you are facing issues with running VEP using Nextflow.

Thanks and regards, Likhitha

sharra44 commented 2 months ago

Here is the log file- nextflow.log Here is a screenshot of the work dir referenced for the failed run: image When I tried to view .command.err, I got an empty file

sharra44 commented 2 months ago

Hi - Just wanted to follow up on this, as it is blocking our progress in implementing nextflow. Do you need anything further from me?

likhitha-surapaneni commented 2 months ago

Hi @sharra44,

Apologies for the delay. I was trying to run with the above options but was not able to reproduce. Can I request you to please try running with the test input and let us know if you are seeing the same issue?

Thanks and regards, Likhitha

sharra44 commented 2 months ago

Just tried - similar output nextflow.log

sharra44 commented 2 months ago

For reference - the command I used is nextflow run -resume -bg nextflow/workflows/run_vep.nf --vcf /home/anno/ensembl-vep/nextflow/examples/clinvar-testset/input.vcf.gz --skip_check 1 --vep_config /home/anno/ensembl-vep/nextflow/vep_config/vep.ini The vep.ini file looks like this: cache 1 dir_cache /root/.vep species 'homo_sapiens' format 'vcf' no_stats 1 force_overwrite 1 assembly 'GRCh38' af_gnomadg 1 symbol 1 variant_class 1 fasta /home/anno/fasta/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta check_ref 1 merged 1 buffer_size 5000 offline 1 flag_pick 1 vcf 1

likhitha-surapaneni commented 2 months ago

Hi @sharra44 ,

Thank you for providing vep.ini configuration. Can you please try removing no_stats 1 and retry again? Currently Nextflow module expects statistics files as intermediate files.

Kind regards, Likhitha

sharra44 commented 2 months ago

This seemed to do the trick - thank you!!

likhitha-surapaneni commented 2 months ago

Thank you @sharra44, I am closing the ticket for now. Please feel free to open a new issue if there are any other problems.