Ensembl / ensembl-vep

The Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor predicts the functional effects of genomic variants
Apache License 2.0
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Failed to instantiate plugin dbNSFP: ERROR: Could not retrieve dbNSFP version from filename #1667

Closed yougulianren closed 1 week ago

yougulianren commented 2 months ago


I am running VEP using dbNSFP plugin like this:

docker run --rm -v /project/WGS-CN1:/work -v /project/ CN1.v0.8:/ref ensemblorg/ensembl-vep:latest vep -i /work/JX4.fam.final.vcf.gz --fasta /ref/CN1_combine.v0.8.fasta --plugin dbNSFP,/ref/CN1_v0.8_swapped_hg38_dbNSFP33a.txt.gz,ALL --fork 1 --compress_output bgzip --individual_zyg all --symbol --force_overwrite -o /work/JX4/02.snv.annotation/family/JX4.fam.db.anno.txt.gz --database

But I get an error:

   WARNING: Failed to instantiate plugin dbNSFP: ERROR: Could not retrieve dbNSFP version from filename /ref/CN1_v0.8_swapped_hg38_dbNSFP33a.txt.gz

How to solve the problem with this plugin?

nakib103 commented 2 months ago

Hello @yougulianren,

Thanks for your query!

dbNSFP data file generally have version like X.Y - for example dbNSFP4.3a.zip. We derive the version from the filename - you are seeing that error because the file you are using does not have version in this format (33a with no .). Your files does not seem like a standard dbNSFP file. Where did you get this file? You can try renaming the file to CN1_v0.8_swapped_hg38_dbNSFP3.3a.txt.gz and see if that works.

Best regards, Nakib

nakib103 commented 1 week ago

Hello @yougulianren, I will close this issue, if you face further problems please feel free to open a new one.