Ensembl / ensembl-vep

The Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor predicts the functional effects of genomic variants
Apache License 2.0
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Allow filtering in nextflow-vep #1673

Closed nakib103 closed 4 months ago

nakib103 commented 4 months ago

Added a param --filters which takes a string as an argument which can be comma separated list of filter condition. These condition are similar to what we can give in filter_vep.

As nextflow-vep can handle only VCF files the filter_vep arguments used here is also tailored for VCF file.

Test Example

nextflow -C ${repositories}/ensembl-vep/nextflow/nextflow.config run ${repositories}/ensembl-vep/nextflow/workflows/run_vep.nf \
--vcf $input_file \
--vep_config $vep_config \
--outdir $output_dir \
--output_prefix $output_prefix \
--filters "amino_acids not match X[A-Za-z*]?\/,Feature is ENST00000377918"

example variant to check this filter

13      57725290        rs1160403026    AGTG    A