Open Aisha-D opened 1 month ago
Hi @Aisha-D, Can you please run vep with the minimal options, something like this:
docker run -v /home/dnanexus:/opt/vep/.vep ensemblorg/ensembl-vep:release_103.1 ./vep \
-i /opt/vep/.vep/variant.vcf \
-o /opt/vep/.vep/output.txt \
--offline \
--cache_version 103 \
--refseq \
containing only:
chrX 15823107 . C CAGCCGG . . .
I have run this locally and it does not produce any gnomAD annotations. Below is my command:
sudo docker run -v /home/dnanexus:/opt/vep/.vep ensemblorg/ensembl-vep:release_103.1 ./vep -i /opt/vep/.vep/variant.vcf -o /opt/vep/.vep/out.vcf --offline --cache_version 103 --refseq --af_gnomad --use_given_ref --force
The results:
$ grep -v ^"#" out.vcf
X_15823108_-/AGCCGG X:15823107-15823108 AGCCGG 8905 NM_001272071.2 Transcript downstream_gene_variant - - - - - - IMPACT=MODIFIER;DISTANCE=2698;STRAND=-1
X_15823108_-/AGCCGG X:15823107-15823108 AGCCGG 8905 NM_003916.5 Transcript downstream_gene_variant - - - - - - IMPACT=MODIFIER;DISTANCE=2698;STRAND=-1
X_15823108_-/AGCCGG X:15823107-15823108 AGCCGG 8233 NM_005089.4 Transcript inframe_insertion 1326-1327 1314-1315 438-439 -/SR -/AGCCGG - IMPACT=MODERATE;STRAND=1
X_15823108_-/AGCCGG X:15823107-15823108 AGCCGG 8233 XM_005274597.3 Transcript inframe_insertion 1327-1328 900-901 300-301 -/SR -/AGCCGG - IMPACT=MODERATE;STRAND=1
X_15823108_-/AGCCGG X:15823107-15823108 AGCCGG 8233 XM_011545589.3 Transcript inframe_insertion 1291-1292 1236-1237 412-413 -/SR -/AGCCGG - IMPACT=MODERATE;STRAND=1
X_15823108_-/AGCCGG X:15823107-15823108 AGCCGG 8233 XM_017029881.2 Transcript inframe_insertion 1326-1327 1314-1315 438-439 -/SR -/AGCCGG - IMPACT=MODERATE;STRAND=1
X_15823108_-/AGCCGG X:15823107-15823108 AGCCGG 8233 XM_017029882.2 Transcript inframe_insertion 1281-1282 900-901 300-301 -/SR -/AGCCGG - IMPACT=MODERATE;STRAND=1
X_15823108_-/AGCCGG X:15823107-15823108 AGCCGG 8233 XM_017029883.2 Transcript inframe_insertion 1422-1423 900-901 300-301 -/SR -/AGCCGG - IMPACT=MODERATE;STRAND=1
X_15823108_-/AGCCGG X:15823107-15823108 AGCCGG 8233 XM_024452455.1 Transcript inframe_insertion 1450-1451 900-901 300-301 -/SR -/AGCCGG - IMPACT=MODERATE;STRAND=1
X_15823108_-/AGCCGG X:15823107-15823108 AGCCGG 8233 XM_024452456.1 Transcript inframe_insertion 1475-1476 900-901 300-301 -/SR -/AGCCGG - IMPACT=MODERATE;STRAND=1
X_15823108_-/AGCCGG X:15823107-15823108 AGCCGG 8905 XR_002958809.1 Transcript downstream_gene_variant - - - - - - IMPACT=MODIFIER;DISTANCE=2700;STRAND=-1
X_15823108_-/AGCCGG X:15823107-15823108 AGCCGG 8905 XR_247289.3 Transcript downstream_gene_variant - - - - - - IMPACT=MODIFIER;DISTANCE=2700;STRAND=-1
There was no gnomad annotation to this variant.
Hi @dglemos
We managed to sort this by changing the VEP docker cache to be the indexed cache. The non-index cache was causing this issue. It seemed to affect specific insertion variants, do you know why this may have been the case?
Many thanks, Aisha
Thank you @Aisha-D I can now reproduce the issue. The problem is in the non-indexed cache, not in your input variants. We recommend all users to work exclusively with indexed caches, we are going to update the documentation and the FTP to clarify what caches should be used.
Best wishes, Diana
Describe the issue
A variant (X:15823107C>CAGCCGG) was not annotated using the gnomADe VCF provided (r2.1.1) by VEP b38. The gnomADe VCF has this variant present with AF=0.0147404 and so should have annotated the variant with the correct information :
I have run this variant using the cache but the same output was observed where this variant was not annotated. The gnomad r2.1.1 was used. The command was:
I also tested using the online VEP to see if this would not be annotated by VEP but found that the variant was annotated correctly, I have attached the output of this VEP job: vep_online.txt
I am aware that the online is a more recent version of vep 112 but I want to understand what caused this variant to not be annotated by gnomADe correctly.